So close.
Any second now
Christopher Richardson
Samuel Brooks
Joseph Cruz
So the wave will be traveling at 2.5 mph?
People can literally walk away from the carnage.
Logan Smith
>don't get digits on first try
>keep rerolling until someone gets them
>then claim it to be the will of a frog deity
have I got this right?
Eli Martin
The dam is actually about to fucking break right now guys
Isn't it?
Yes, it definitely will, just watch it.
Zachary Stewart
You can't meme magic a broken dam. Let me show you.
The dam will break and millions of sandniggers will die.
See? No gets. that means it won't happen.
Benjamin Taylor
Benjamin Allen
Oh ye of little faith
Ethan Foster
The water, when travelling, holds enormous kinetic energy, ready to devour the whole land. Just look at Japanese tsunami 2011.
Evan Gonzalez
thou art of little faith