Who rightfully owns natural resources?

Natural resources inherently and rightfully belong to solely to Teck Cominco, Ltd and I will fucking fight anyone who believes otherwise

>If you want natural resources to be yours then build an army and take it back

Fielding an army requires resources. How are you supposed to do that?

by stealing

>Who rightfully owns natural resources?

You have no right you dumb anglo, there are no rightful owners, only powerful people who dominate the land.

>b-but we used to rule the seas and the 7 kingdoms!

Well guess what, the only thing you own now is a plastic butter knife which is going to be outlawed soon too. Oh, and TV taxes.


the same way the army who came to 'steal' your resources did. no group were spawned on this earth with spears and arrows

Who ever controls the mightiest army

Whoever puts in the work to transform it into something useful (implying also to have negotiated the right to do so with the partys concerned - primary the owner of the land probably).

