You can't deny that lefties make some pretty awesome music /po/.
You can't deny that lefties make some pretty awesome music /po/
>making pointless stupid shit that offers no benefit to society or mankind
yeah sounds like something leftists would do
I only see trash here.
It does benefit society and mankind. Entertainment is important. Life would be pretty boring without it m8.
RATM is for teenage faggots with no actual understanding of the world.
Just like left wing ideologies.
Unless you listen to country music or Burzum then chances are your favourite bands are lefties.
It's still pretty bangin' music my dude. I don't agree with their politics but I like their music.
If you're going to post a far-left band at least post a good one. At least post Streetlight Manifesto man. At the very least.
I only listen to Wagner
Okay Grampa.
I used to like it as well, I am not hating completely just saying what it is.
What about RAC?
They had their day in the Bush years.
i'm a bit conflicted.
i enjoyed a lot of leftist bands when i was a teenager, like die ärzte, wizo, rage against the machine, though trash metal is still my favorite genre.
even today i enjoyed listening to wizo's RAF. a song where they glorify the rote armee fraktion.
but politically i'm right leaning.
am i sick to the head?
Let's be honest here, right-wing music is shit.
Name one good WN/right-wing band.
>I'm an edgy 12 year old, the post
I remember in the 90s/early 2000s when these types of people were around.
It's so ridiculous to think about upper middle class and rich kids LARPing as communists against the system. Those dummies actually thought they were oppressed and that they were fighting for something.
Now that there are tangible problems in the world it's strange to look back at former angst.
Their talent comes directly from the Devil. Off course their music is "awesome"
No I'm the same.
I was a liberal in my youth and I still love bands like Nirvana, The Smiths, Refused, various punk bands etc...
I think one of the Ramones was a conservative but that's about it. Most good musicians are lefties. I always wondered why as well.
>fuck you I won't put shells in my pocket
>fuck you I won't put shells in my pocket
>fuck you I won't put shells in my pocket
What did he mean by this?
It's good music though. I really don't give a fuck about musicians political opinions.
They're pretty shit though. Let's be honest.
Their music is fine. Too bad that they're commies. Their anti-war and and anti-government rants are fine but at the same time, like all commies, are incredibly selective about this and fail to notice that they subscribe to the most inhuman and oppressive ideology of all dismissing all the enormous evidence against it as simply imperialist propaganda. Again a couple of their songs are fine but their delusion is too big so I can't listen to them.
>obnoxious, inarticulate wailing like a retard of excessively loud, trashy rock music
>'best music'
James Hetfield and Dave Mustaine are conservative.
Jonathan Davis is kind of like Alex Jones I heard.
Good goy!
Metallica sucks nowadays though. They made much better music in the 80s when they were liberal.
I agree there's some overlap with the Alex Jones types who are anti-authoritarian but look how hard it was to find a band or artist to play at Trump's inauguration.
Morello is a good guitarist, but a commie fuck. He was better in audioslave
>those who died, just divide, for wearing the bags and their shoes of white
>those who died, just divide, for wearing the bags and their shoes of white
What did he mean by this!?
Thanks Schlomo! Allies forever!
They do support based Zapatistas though. I can swallow commies who don't defend USSR and shit like that.
He's not sure
That's why he says it over and over and over
Cause he's like "what the fuck does it mean maaaaaaaaan?"
many punk/ska bands from the 70s-80s were kinda politically undefined and had audiences from both sides of the spectrum
You also have many metal bands (iron maiden, for example), phil collins, ian curtis, eric clapton, alice cooper, prince, gene simmons, mustaine, etc
Not sure if most musicians are lefties or simply those who are not simply try to avoid singing about anything political/social
>bulls all get laid
Really activates your almonds... RATM confirmed cucks
>I'm an edgy 12 year old, the post
All kids of the 1968 generation. Unaware of what was happening on the opposite side but still rebelling about "authoritative" regimes in western Europe. To them it's all about party affiliation. Thats why there was such a backlash agains Bush in the early 2000s but when Obama was doing the same (bombing more countries and undermining civil liberties) I think only Ministry made an anti-Obama anti-war song.
ISIS is better.
How about KPN?
That's because modern leftism is extremely superficial. They are useful idiots for neoliberalism.
Almonds activated. My wife's boyfriend loves that song.
Yeah but Burzum's music is apolitical despite the fact that Varg is a WN.
Where's the right wing RATM?
>finally got internet access in my favela. The post
Grand Belial's Key
Vaginal Jesus
Blue Eyed Devils
all vastly superior to RATM
I remember a story about a RATM concert in Brazil I think where the band wanted to show their support for some local commie organization. They were booed off the stage because the band, living in their imaginary candyland, didn't even think that the people actually suffered under their oppression.
Whitelaw and, lets be honest, Pantera and Black Label Society may as well be at this point.
Socialist music:
>*signs record deal*
>*pays police or private security to watch over their shows*
>*enjoys life in the top 0.001% of world population*
>*deducts money to charity from taxes, and goes into history as another band for politically confused teenagers struggling with defining themselves*
Libertarian music:
>*changes music forever*
I tip my fedora to you good sir :^)
*nods respectively
Tbh it's easier to whitewash murderers like Che into romantic figures and sing songs about them than singing about Hayek and Bastiat.
RATM memebers are lost. There's a time where people grow out of that shit and they're past that.
A lot of east European black metal bands were nationalist but it generally wasn't apparent in their music, which is obviously a good thing. I'm thinking of Hate Forest and Kataxu.
Nokturnal Mortum were more obvious about their interests, but their music was always unique and superb. This rousing track should be the Ukraine's national anthem:
>black metal
Save for few bands it literally isn't.
I dare you to listen to 30 seconds
i think i just grew a neckbeard
>yfw "rage against the machine" was part of the machine all along
many of the old metal bands were nationalist/right wing, I remember manowar concerts full of bikers wearing nazi patches
Also remember a bit of a fuss when it was published that the toy dolls were donating money to the british national party
And I never saw more nazi skin heads than at a madness concert
It's not always clear, like the ramones, three of them were lefties yet it was the republican one that was more talked about
I'm not sure if it's commie or not, but Novislav Ðajić's accordion is pretty neat
I love leftie music as I fold paper!!!!
Rage against my parents is pretty shit, I can't stand the vocals but the lead guitar is based
ratm isn't music
Is it okay to like the music, but disagree with the politics of the music? I enjoy RATM when i'm lifting.