You can't deny that lefties make some pretty awesome music /po/

I used to like it as well, I am not hating completely just saying what it is.

What about RAC?

They had their day in the Bush years.

i'm a bit conflicted.
i enjoyed a lot of leftist bands when i was a teenager, like die ärzte, wizo, rage against the machine, though trash metal is still my favorite genre.
even today i enjoyed listening to wizo's RAF. a song where they glorify the rote armee fraktion.
but politically i'm right leaning.

am i sick to the head?

Let's be honest here, right-wing music is shit.

Name one good WN/right-wing band.

>I'm an edgy 12 year old, the post

I remember in the 90s/early 2000s when these types of people were around.

It's so ridiculous to think about upper middle class and rich kids LARPing as communists against the system. Those dummies actually thought they were oppressed and that they were fighting for something.

Now that there are tangible problems in the world it's strange to look back at former angst.

Their talent comes directly from the Devil. Off course their music is "awesome"

No I'm the same.

I was a liberal in my youth and I still love bands like Nirvana, The Smiths, Refused, various punk bands etc...

I think one of the Ramones was a conservative but that's about it. Most good musicians are lefties. I always wondered why as well.
