Explain yourself France
Jayden Powell
Kevin Green
what the hell?
Ryan Rivera
I hate this timeline
Thomas Cruz
>caliphate of france
>le pen in 2nd round
>not allowed to own guns
>not allowed to defend yourself if Mahmoud is offended by a triangle on your shirt
>Renault and Peugeot
>CAC 40 more like kek 40
question should be how did i stay this long
Luke Gray
>says the leaf
Robert Barnes
fun fact: those suits were made with the material found at the Roswell UFO crash site in 1947
Samuel Scott
How's that 50% Maori statistics going? Your Maori bull cucking your bull well tonight?
Aaron Young
Tell me you're not one of those french fucks who moved to Quebec and are pushing for leftism like madmen
David Morales
what are you talking about? this is the best timeline
Wyatt Edwards
>checking the flag might save you life