Yfw Merkel is re-elected

>yfw Merkel is re-elected


just hope that she gets relected

Germans are weird, it'll happen.

i hope so, then i have somewhere to flee marine inshallah

Can't win them all.

Feels good

feels good to be American.

i woudl be glad actually
if they finally cuck themselves to death, at least they will not be able to estroy europe for fourth time

3rd time?


My dream team. Sadly Obama was too much of a moderate.

Let's hope not. We have enough sandniggers as is.

>mfw Merkel is forced to form a minority coaliation government with both CDU and SPD together getting 40% of the votes and you know she won't make it to the end of her term this time

germany is half-dead.

put that final in the coffin.

I hate Germany, so I hope Merkel gets re-elected.

They do not deserve freedom and prosperity.

Would be the 4th time. MFW it actually happens

It will be the strongest indication yet that Germans want death and there will be no need for guilt when we violently seize the land and government from their puny hands

She will be re-elected, then a mud will kill 40,000 people.

Stay vigilant.

Let's hope that happens two months before the election, and that Jihad Jamal here turns out to be the ringleader.

You are voting for a party not a person and yes I'll go voting for the first time, just because to not waste my vote on AfD

That's a big pejak


Why does it say "race war" in some Skandinavian language though?

Idk, I did not make it.

Australia is full, but we can welcome maybe a few non-cucked Germans

come home German man

Only because most alternatives to her are even worse than.

That's why she will get re-elected.
People have no idea how fucked this country is.

Imagine Merkel but even more refugee loving and corrupt
>Die Linke
Literally Commies - Even worse than SPD
Makes the Commies look like decent people. You can't possibly get more cucked than this party - They openly demand the destruction of the german state.
Love refugees as well and besides that have no program besides filling their own pockets - The only liberal thing about them besides that is their love for homosexuals.
The ONLY party that is opposing Merkels refugee policy in this country. Won't get more than 15% because their leadership is utterly retarded.


you misspelled assassinated


Its illegal to not vote for Merkel.

Even fucking Sweden is uncucking themselves

>Merkels refugee policy
I've seen people here making these claims without actually knowing shit about the topic they claim to be knowledgeable of, so please enlighten me, what is Mutti's "refugee policy"? You probably have no idea:^)

They would form the “Deutschland-Koalition“ together with the FDP

>"fast drei Prozent"
They won't be back. They would have to form a coalition together with the Greens, and that wouldn't even hold for two years.

As I am a fellow FDP-Member.. we do not love the refugees, and we think Merkel failed, they should put the refugees to work, not to welfare, nobody has the right to get state welfare, even german plebs.
The correct term is libertarian, not liberal.
And ofc we put money in our pockets, we are lobbyists, just because we admit to it, doesnt mean anyone else doesnt do it either.
At least we are no pretentious little cunts, like the left is

>At least we are no pretentious little cunt
>t. CL

Nah, a lot of old CDU Members are joining our ranks nowadays, because they are fed up with merkel. They will get about 6%

Lindner is pretty left, was talking to him yesterday, - though he seems based and is pretty witty and thinking on his feet

He's a pretentious cunt with hair transplants :^)
How was the Dreikönigstreffen anyway?

>inb4 the same bullshit like every year



It's only important that she ignores Dublin and basicly leaves every single town/city alone with the problem.




It was okay, I'm 33 now and the timeframe seems to be getting smaller every year.
And people leave, new people get in, it's the same old circlejerk all the time.

Germany's party system is really unhealthy for a democratic nation.

This one huge cuckservative coalition and then like ten minor parties, the biggest of which only just breaks 20 per cent.

CDU is currently moving around 35%
SPD the other big party is at 21%
The rest are 12-5% mini things that are never good for anything

Even if the AfD in theory manages to become the biggest party. Everyone would ally against them and form some sort of COALITION OF REASON against them.


there are no elections in (((brd))), only cia-elected inaugurations. the real germany has been replaced by some kike construct called (((brd))). get your fact right, anglo.


Thats why. The afd is a nazi party.

AfD are a bunch of morons plus a bunch of people who come out of the 90s conservative CDU and are unhappy with Merkel.

Höcke isn't the entire party.

Yes, and SPD=KPD, CDU = Westboro Baptist Church, Green = militant Antifa according to your logic.


>Höcke isn't the entire party.
Nah, only like a third of that shit party. So about a third is unfavourable baggage for the party, according to Petry. Fun times :^)

No, they're not. All they're doing is talking about slowing immigration. Without a full stop-gap on the muds and massive deportation, the Swedes are going to be bred out of their own lands.

>Frauke is utterly retarded

care explaining that?

Kill yourselves niggers

What ?

Her regime wont be toppled that easily, in fact, I think that she'll be forced to step down if the French and Dutch regimes get overthrown. Other than that, I see only two more possibilities that could end her, either Assange has something nasty on her or something major erupts across Europe.

It's obvious that EU in this shape and form is unsustainable, it's just a quest of how US and Russia split it.

Most likely

AfD takes cdu/CSU votes. The communist filth forms a coalition government. Someone from the Green party is chancellor. All the Muslim and African filth get citizenship and a free house.

>The afd is a nazi party.

"BOA EY HANS haste den elfer gesehn wie der den verschossen hat?! boah ey voll krass voll der lappen so ey sportschau war richtig geil heute abend nach der arbeit bei der müllabfuhr xDDD ahja und die geile blonde bei der tagesschau hat gesagt afd ist nazi und hitler und so voll die nazis lol"

du dumme unterschicht

Reiss dich zusammen, Hans.

Anything can happen after Brexit and Trump especially now that Breitbart, who is also responsible for both events, is bringing a German version of their site. Bye bye Merkel.

you underestimate the amount of cuckery of (((Germany)))

the only thing that can save this mentally ill country is a healthy dose of Uranium

I read the German news everyday, I know the propaganda first hand. I think a media source like Breitbart can make a huge difference in terms of red-pilling people.

>just hope that she gets relected




You can't be really meaning that.

Stephen Bannon is literally a russkie traitor.

That shit only floats with burgers.

>tfw cromwell was right


Good. She's got my vote.


i actually hope that the classic cdu/spd doesn't get a majority so that they are forced to build new alliances.
probably will do that with the greens though because they have no problem selling out our civil rights as long as it saves the environment.
the fpd (if they make it) is unlikely because they don't sell out our civil rights, but sell the rest to the highest bidder

anyway we are fucked either way

hopefully the afd and left party are gonna have a gangs of new york situation going where there is blood in the streets, i need some good entertainment this year



only antifa and neonaziblood as usual
maybe some edgy antifas throwing rocks at the neighbours house of someone whose cousin is in the afd


You're not islamophobic are you?

no way

Aw mayne...if you german cunts...elect that flaming dyke again

I really despite you faggets. I have a buddy from Germanistan, saw him turn from normal guy to complete low-T phaggot "save the whales" cunt

All because - hol up you won't believe it - lost his job, had to go back to mommy house.



anyway, you elect Dyke, you deserve nukes.

you fuckin fagot degenerates. We'll impose bans on you krauts in Croatia for the summer, go to your homeland of Antalya for the summer holidays you paki lovin fakkets.

Fuckin FAKKETS!!!!