Yfw Merkel is re-elected


My dream team. Sadly Obama was too much of a moderate.

Let's hope not. We have enough sandniggers as is.

>mfw Merkel is forced to form a minority coaliation government with both CDU and SPD together getting 40% of the votes and you know she won't make it to the end of her term this time

germany is half-dead.

put that final in the coffin.

I hate Germany, so I hope Merkel gets re-elected.

They do not deserve freedom and prosperity.

Would be the 4th time. MFW it actually happens

It will be the strongest indication yet that Germans want death and there will be no need for guilt when we violently seize the land and government from their puny hands

She will be re-elected, then a mud will kill 40,000 people.

Stay vigilant.

Let's hope that happens two months before the election, and that Jihad Jamal here turns out to be the ringleader.