>American exceptionalism


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(((American))) exceptionalism

we dont like those cucks either senpai

Im sorry, how is your country's space program doing again? No ESA doesnt count.

>first woman and animal in space
>relevant today
>first man on the moon
>not relevant

I really hope this is oc and not some stupid shit that braindead neocommies post on fb.

>be russia
>get to the starting line first
>thinks they won

oh fucking boy
NASA accomplishments:
>first spacecraft to literally every planet in the solar system
>first to land on Mars
>russians have never even gone beyond Venus or Mars, never mind a successful mission to Mars meanwhile there's 5 American spacecraft speeding out of the fucking solar system
>Saturn V is the most powerful rocket ever built
>only people to ever land on the moon and they did it 6 times
>Skylab was way bigger than any of the Salyut stations
>first on-orbit repair of a satellite
>launched, operated, and maintained the Hubble Space Telescope
>built over 2/3rds of the ISS
Soyuz was already the main way to get astronauts aboard the ISS. The shuttle exchanged 2 station crews at most. The shuttle was used to built the station and help supply it.


which country is still around?

I unironically still can't believe we've reached another planet.

America wins again.

>he thinks winning a race means having to do exceptionally at all stages of it
See this is the attitude that causes Clinton to lose.
Besides, even the fucking Soviets said we won.


>muh space race

literal dick waving competition between two nonwhite countries about who can waste the most money for the sole bragging right of saying "look at all the fucking money we wasted xddd"

ok, niggers went to the moon. and? who cares? how's nasa doing now? how's the USSR's space program today? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA fucking kill yourself ahmed

>throwing shit into the air

wow so impressive

How is landing humans on a celestial body, taking back off and safely bringing them back home not relevant to space exploration?


>thinking the space race was literally a race with a list of "firsts" achievements needed to win

Fuck off communist sympathizer.

Youre all using german science so shut the fuck up, Untermenschen :DDDDDDDkaksoispiste

>reach finish line first
>people say you didn't win the race b/c you weren't winning the whole time

How about something in the last 40 years? Here's some shit we've done just recently.

>Rovers currently driving around Mars
>First real images of Pluto ever
>Probe currently in orbit around Jupiter taking high-res pictures
>SpaceX landing reusable vehicles on barges in the ocean

I knew this would come in handy

And we all remember those famous Swedish men who walked on the moon... Oh wait, no we don't. And that's right, we are still the only ones to go there... How 'bout that.