>American exceptionalism
>muh space race
literal dick waving competition between two nonwhite countries about who can waste the most money for the sole bragging right of saying "look at all the fucking money we wasted xddd"
ok, niggers went to the moon. and? who cares? how's nasa doing now? how's the USSR's space program today? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA fucking kill yourself ahmed
>throwing shit into the air
wow so impressive
How is landing humans on a celestial body, taking back off and safely bringing them back home not relevant to space exploration?
>thinking the space race was literally a race with a list of "firsts" achievements needed to win
Fuck off communist sympathizer.
Youre all using german science so shut the fuck up, Untermenschen :DDDDDDDkaksoispiste
>reach finish line first
>people say you didn't win the race b/c you weren't winning the whole time
How about something in the last 40 years? Here's some shit we've done just recently.
>Rovers currently driving around Mars
>First real images of Pluto ever
>Probe currently in orbit around Jupiter taking high-res pictures
>SpaceX landing reusable vehicles on barges in the ocean