I've become increasingly irritated at all of these fucking left-wingers, celebs and kikes badmouthing Trump and undermining his presidency. I fear they are starting to get to him, as he hasn't done anything to shut them fuckers up.
We have a whole nation of retards who still insist Trump is working in conjunction with the Russians.
Apparently, Trump is not going to be enough to drain the swamp. Looks like it's going to come down to civil war.
There's been a rage building up inside of me for quite a while. It's a good thing I don't live anywhere near these parasites, as I would have kicked a bunch of their asses by now. I'm fucking sick of their crap. They just won't shut up.
I want to see the right-wingers playing the left at their own game. I want to see blood in the streets. I want to see heads rolling. These progressive, kike scum are quickly destroying what's left of America. Trump deserves a chance; we elected him fair and square. The left needs to be silenced, once and for all.
>tfw there will be a civil war in your lifetime >tfw you will purge the leftists from our grand republic >tfw Russia won't nuke us >tfw Muslims will be eternally BTFO >tfw China's economy collapses >tfw best timeline
Brandon James
Elijah Sanchez
I'm with you. Trump can't remove the cancer on his own. Honestly, we should be burning down media outlets and universities as subversive entities.
Adrian Watson
We should, but it won't happen. Americans are too spineless and lazy. We are letting the left win.
Aaron Wilson
Jack Garcia
I do notice they seem to be ramping up the hysteria
Chase Turner
Oh that's right, Sup Forums is for Nazis. Sometimes I forget. Americans used to murder Nazis.
Real Americans ought to execute treasonous fucks like you. It's an American tradition, after all.
Adrian Taylor
woah man Sup Forums is a board of peace what would hillary say about this post?
Jayden Young
Hitler was right, and if the greatest generation could see this shithole now, they'd say the same thing.