Single mom dresses as dad to attend ‘Dads and Doughnuts Day’

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Single mom dresses as man for 'dads and doughnuts' at son's school

POSTED:FEB 10 2017 05:26AM CST

UPDATED:FEB 10 2017 02:25PM CST

A Utah mother's Facebook post about going above and beyond for herson


is going viral.

Whitney Kittrell, of St. George, said when she became a single mother more than three years ago, she made a promise with herself to do anything she could to give herkidsa normal life, even if it meant going out of her comfort zone.

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"We have accomplished a lot," Kittrell said.

Some of those accomplishments include trips alone, teaching her son how toplaycatch and killing bugs with "minimal" screaming.

"But when my kindergartnercame home with a paper saying that they were having 'dadsand doughnuts' my heart kinda sank," she said. I finally sat him down and asked him if he wanted to ask his grandpa to go."

Her son said "no."

"He just smiled and said, 'No. I want you to go. You're my mom anddad,'" Kittrell said onFacebook.

Wednesday morning, Kittrellput on her best "dadoutfit," painted on some facial hair and went to breakfast with her son.

"I was so embarrassed, but I couldn't help but smile when he introduced me to his little friends saying 'this is my mom... she's my dad too so I brought her!'"


What a terrible thread.

I can't wait until America invades you assbags.

Couldn't get angry at that

burn the coal

Came here to hear an uplifting story about a mothers love and got a leaf post.

White women crave brown dick so much that they're willing to live out their rest of their lives as men just to be brown bred

Jesus Christ what an abortion of a post

She needs to man up.

Oh wait....

burn -insert euphemism for nonwhite male here-, pay toll.