Was he a a necessary evil, a man who did difficult things in tough times, or was he a dictator and a criminal?
Colton Young
Other urls found in this thread:
Logan Nelson
neither. he was based af
Daniel Lee
Mi general!
Nolan Campbell
Necessary "evil"
Jace Watson
>Heihachi dindu nuffin wrong
Jace Martinez
Came here to post this.
Dominic Watson
He was a bit of a cunt, but you can't argue with the results
David Ross
>Major capitalist, loves competition
>Fights only by his own will, doesn't accept handouts
>Kill the devil literally
>Has a private army
>Throw people off very high objects for being satanic
Is Heihachi Sup Forums's ideal man?
Adam Carter
Nobody please edit that with the devil symbols on Jin's head being replaced with a hammer and sickle appearing before heihachi throws them out.
Andrew Wood
Heihachi is /ourguy/