Kekistan pt.4

This shit is Tuvalu 2.0 dumbasses.

How would a crowdfunding campaign work?

10 dollars and you get your name on the hall of the island, 100 dollars and you can visit, 1000 dollars and you can settle?


this site has a lot of squares of land on that haida gwaii

160 acre for 80k

I think this might be it

price would be in double digit mils though no?

I'm in favor of Sup Forumsonizing an existing Balkan country
>we could call it the Sup Forumskans

Tuvalu was a failure

No shit.

Probably, but this suprised me, the third biggest island on this site is only 2 millions, so maybe the number is less than 10

Is more than enough land for the Kek Reich