I miss the DDR.
The Wall:
Sure, it was hard to get out but even harder to get in. No Muslims, no rapefugees.
Sure, there weren't 60 different kinds of chocolate available but there was also no unemployment and people helped each other out instead of trying to bring each other down.
Sure, we were occupied by the Russians in a way, but patriotism was still encouraged and no one promoted racial and cultural suicide.
Poisonous American culture was mostly kept out of the country. No McDonalds, no Hollywood, no SJW degeneracy. The DDR was undeniably GERMAN. Not American degenerate race mixed brown-black Hollywood Niggers working at McDonalds, ads with trannies and queers.
Was hard, I admit that. But being a Christian in the DDR was still easier than being a Christian today in a SJW shit hole that is increasingly becoming Americanized. Sure, we don't have gay "marriage" in Germany yet, but it's just a matter of time until we are like the US where you commit a crime if you don't bake those gays their fucking cake.
The surveillance was shit, of course. Secret police and everything. But we have the same today. With NSA, CIA, FBI, Shareblue whoever watching. And don't you dare to say a wrong word about feminists or refugees! We arguably have less freedom of speech today.
The part of Germany that was communist is the part now, were 30.000 people march through the streets to rally against Merkel, mass-immigration, against the Islamization adn the Americanization of Germany. It's the part of PEGIDA, LEGIDA, Björn Höcke, people in Heidenau literally attacking the refugee-protecting police at night and then hiding in their neighbor's houses. West Germany is the "Refugees Welcome" SJW part.
50 years of Soviet occupation has obviously done less damage than 50 years (and counting) of American occupation.