Hello OP, since pol is full of shit heads, I'll give you some practical advice.
The simple answer is it depends.
See my country has been ravaged by Islam for far longer and harder than any of you euro cucks and as such given the history I believe I can actually give some meaningful advice. You see everywhere Islam went, it has succeeded, assuming there wasn't a violent reconversion like in the case of Spain that is.
This is because they create 5th columns every time they convert somebody, some guy who looks like you talks like you knows the ins and outs of the locals.
That person is used to infiltrate target the weak and lonely and expand from within. Not only that the conversion allows them to understand the existing culture and find ways in which Islam defeats it.
Say for example currently in the west women are being incredibly whorish, this can be used and said Islamic women are well behaved.
Then there's always the womb, which they weaponize, every Muslim woman is a baby factory, this creates political bases, vote banks. Politicians begin identity politics and the growth of the nation will be dependent on purely the entrepreneurs and politicians will become irrelevant.
After this entire areas resemble foreign lands, take a look at old Hyderabad in India, its fucking Pakistan in the middle of the country. Then begins takeover of media and lies in the school curriculum, in my country Muslims are pushed in comedy shows, their religion literally has nothing to do with the jokes but still they come on screen with those white caps. Similarly the school texts are filled with bullshit about how "great" the mughals were even though they killed millions.
As this progresses your choices will be affected by how they do things, such as entire cities where you'll never raise your kids, items you'll avoid and so on.
The only way to counteract this is something that bonds people together and an obscene pushing of that. (contd)