Digits confirm. DEUS VULT!
What is the real redpill on Muslims?
Don't try to judge Muslims, they are human beings just like you.
Instead do research on everything wrong with Islam ideologically, it is saturday-morning-cartoon-villain awful.
Persians not voilent... They took over a large population through war like everyone else. Had slaves from places they destroyed. Sacrafices etc.
Muslims are voilent to anyone that doesn't follow the same beliefs. Sharia laws are voilent but is intended to keep people in line. If we left them alone they'd be able to build up their empire to a point that could lead to an attack on western civilization.
Henry Kissenger saw this in the 60's - 70's when Hazir Assad was trying to unite all the muslims to create peace and stability in the middle east. So they btfo them from within. Kissenger tried to get the other countries in the middle east to go against said peace ideas. Hazir got pissed and started to blow up the americans. Only thing america did wrong was leave syria instead of killing all the leaders and not 'test' nuclear weapons on their asses. Because they didn't have the stomach to go through with destroying them from within and without they've become a huge problem now that we have the sjw. Sjw can't seem to understand the threat they can pose to our way of life.
well she's a cute grill. too bad I'd be called a pedo and I can't save her from the degeneracy of feminism. she'll grow up a slut and cunt and she'd divorce her husband while demanding child support and alimoney.
all i know is that muslims hate jews, and christians love jews and hate muslims.
makes you really think about this whole "refugee crisis" narrative.
They are indeed violent themselves.