Fukushima is the worst disaster of our time and there's literally nothing we can do to stop it.
Tepco doesn't know where melted cores are because they have melted deep into to the earth and radioactive groundwater keeps leaking into ocean. We cannot just pour concrete over it because it will leak into ocean anyway. Radiation inside the buildings is too high even for robots and humans would collapse in seconds.
Marine life is dying in pacific, you can google "pacific die-offs". MSM is covering it up to avoid global panic. Tokyo isn't safe for 2020 olympics either. I would not be suprised if they were cancelled because by 2020 Japan is really fucked. People have radiation sickness symptoms and birth defects have gone trough roof.
Just remember my words if you don't believe me now. Fukushima will lead to major panic in the future when MSM cannot cover it up anymore. It's much worse than Chernobyl, reactor 3 had MOX-fuel made from plutonium, thats why it exploded critically, it wasn't hydrogen explosion. It has been estimated that by now Fukushima has released over hundred times more radioactive fallout into ocean than Chernobyl did into atmosphere.
America isn't safe either. Jet stream brings radioactive particles over the pacific and ocean currents will spread them around the world.
Follow them if you want redpill on this. People don't realize that it will slowly kill whole globe. What happens when Japan runs out of nuclear engineers and becomes inhabitable? Who will fix it then?
Pilot are having blackouts and seizures, even fistfights have occurred. Aircrews get more radiation during 40 hours of flying than nuclear workers get in a year. Radiation levels inside planes have increased over tenfold after 2011 Fukushima accident. There's lots of static electricity on airplane skin which attracts radioactive particles and engines are sucking them also. Wigner effect is causing planes to fail.
>>Japan runs out of nuclear engineers Not going to happen.
Camden Nguyen
Shill attack. You can't prove me wrong because that's the truth. 6 years have passed and Tepco hasn't done anything. Hundreds of tons of nuclear waste are in direct contact with groundwater and ocean.
Those who say "it's nothing", please explain how melted cores could be recovered? Radiation keeps hitting new records and buildings are in danger to collapse. Even 7 richter earthquake could crash the buildings which would lead to plant evacuation.
10+ years and humans cannot reproduce anymore because all they get is deformed babies or not even that. 20+ years and most of the humanity is gone.
Colton Ortiz
Stop eating sushi. Stop eating canned tuna. Stop eating anything that comes from the sea.
also don't drink japanese tea. The leafs around the fukushima prefection are contaminated and sometimes pass the check.
Nolan Green
>implying poo from Ganga isn't worse for the environment
Tyler Parker
Thorium molten salt reacors will save us all and prevent shit like this from ever happening again.
cheaper, higher yeild, virtually 0 chance of meltdown and cant make nukes with it
Jaxon Harris
What if we nuke it? Fight fire with fire type of thing.
Dylan Ortiz
lftr does not real
Landon Flores
World health Organization has confirmed that zero people have died due to the radiation.
Lincoln Turner
who knows maybe the radioactive particles would undergo transformation and everything is clean afterwards?
Carson Rivera
>Aircrews get more radiation during 40 hours of flying than nuclear workers get in a year. Have you considered it's because nuclear power is insanely safe nowadays?
It still would take like 2000 fukushimas and chernobyls for nuclear power to be as deadly as coal.
Nolan Ramirez
Technology has existed since the late 40s. Bht you couldnt make nukes with the byproducts, so no one funded the startup costs
John King
>fukushima prefection >prefection
>lftr does not real >does not real
Is this the average level of education among german environmentalists?
Jordan Thomas
i don't see any other course of action
japan has been nuked to save the world before, it may need to be done again
or a fuckhuge laser fired from space. that would be cool
Fish and birds have disappeared from pacific. Dead seals and other marine life are washing up on US west coast. They have skin lesions, bones are just mush, eyes falling off. Clear symptoms of radiation sickness. Polar bears are losing their fur and they are sick also.
Don't eat sea food specially from the pacific.
Owen Price
Let's just plug the hole with some airplanes and toss some into the ocean, too they will suck up the radiation problem solved
Isaiah Evans
WHO has confirmed Zero deaths...
Guess you will say the WHO is just in on the conspiracy...
don't worry, buddy, nuclear science is a meme radioactivity is harmless and that's why no Japanese died of radioactivity exposure since 2011 and nobody will. nukes do not exist, you have been deceived for that and so many things. youtube.com/watch?v=QmJN-LMPnX0
Nathaniel Barnes
we all deserve it for nuking them in the first place. we are all to blame. your countries should have been stronger and not called america into your bitch ass war. but noooo, you cant handle your own conflicts. . now we all die of cancer and birth defects. Thanks Faggots
Brody King
>Clear symptoms of radiation sickness I don't think bones turning into fucking mush is a symptom of radiation sickness. Symptoms of radiation sickness are diarrhea, cancer, organ failures. The reason why radiation kills is it's a sneaky killer, not because OH NO BONES TURNING INTO GLOWING MUSH you stupid mongol fuck.
Jayden Johnson
Finlands not wrong on this one. Radiation levels in Fukushima have been recorded at 500+ Sievers/hr. 300+ electronics start to fry.
Aaron Ross
Fuck off, that site is the largest fucking steaming pile of bullshit i've ever seen. They are even quoting themselfs as sources.
Carson Anderson
Luis Smith
>the blowout wont just be in the zone >the blowout will be global blowout when?
Samuel Mitchell
>Bht you couldnt make nukes with the byproducts, so no one funded the startup costs
So instead we went with light water reactors that are also unsuited to make weapons-grad plutonium? And if commercial light water reactors are for making plutonium, why has every nuclear armed country produced their plutonium in graphite or heavy water moderated reactors instead of light water reactors? (pic related)
Angel Bell
They are lying to avoid panic. Japanese people are dying like flies but none of these deaths are counted as radiation deaths. They will be counted as "cancer", "heart attack" or some other bullshit.
Nuclear industry has always been full of lies and they have downplayed every accident.
But they are still not telling the truth that whole situation is simply uncontrollable. It has been leaking every day for 6 years now slowly poisoning whole globe.
Carson James
not soon enough stalger
Bentley Wright
how about we just drop a nuke on the plant and be done with it?
John Evans
Jaxson Gray
wasn't there a case in Japan where some dudes got blasted by radiation during a prank or something and their bodies ended up melting away, except their bones? Their skin and muscles just fell off and organs were failing, but the bones remained intact.
Colton Bailey
Yep, its one of the few things he said was true - but this isn't unusual, it took over 20 years for Three mile island radiation level to lower enough to send in robots.
What most folks don't understand is that the highly radioactive stuff has a short half life - every week it has less radiation.
Brody Cook
Geiger counter readings in Tokyo read the exact same as both during and after Fukushima and up to today. Ask any Japan bro who will indulge you.
So much for that theory lol.
Go conspiratard somewhere else.
Eli Baker
>Japan has been nuked to save the world before Go back to you know where
Jackson Jackson
Henry Evans
No user, the cancer rate has not spiked, and deaths by radiation are easily detected.
I must wonder why all these shills say that "radiation is harmless" and other bullshit when every study proves that it's clearly not.
Chernobyl had around 100 tons of nuclear fuel and about 5 tons of that went into atmosphere.
Fukushima had total of 5000 tons of nuclear waste, 30 years worth from 4 reactors. 3 reactors went into full meltdown and cores melted trough containment into the earth. Used nuclear waste pools also lost their water due cracks created by the earthquake. Different isotopes like cesium and strontium simply boil off when nuclear waste heats up to 3000C without cooling. Whole plant was covered in radioactive steam during first weeks and it's still steaming. All this radioactive steam must be released because it would lead to steam explosion otherwise. There's no way to block them.
Tepco had sent multiple robots and cameras there but still haven't located cores because robots keep failing from high radiation. How they could decomission it if they don't even know where the cores are?
Ayden Nguyen
n 2013, two years after the incident, the World Health Organization indicated that the residents of the area who were evacuated were exposed to so little radiation that radiation induced health impacts are likely to be below detectable levels.The health risks in the WHO assessment attributable to the Fukushima radioactivity release were calculated by largely applying the conservative Linear no-threshold model of radiation exposure, a model that assumes even the smallest amount of radiation exposure will cause a negative health effect.
Adam Gutierrez
I'm not gonna defend the claim of radiation related deaths. But Geiger counters are only useful for detecting a very limited amount of radioactive elements.
Jaxon Lewis
And this isn't propaganda from the oil industry? Look up the Cosmo oil refinery
Wyatt Sullivan
Being critical is one thing, being a fearmonger unable to contain his emotions is another.
Evan Reyes
Then they need AI robots with thick pb layers of metal protection Easy pisi
Samuel Sanders
Another tsunami is coming soon
Nathan Sanchez
>Finnish talking about muh radiations without knowing shit call me back when we see a spike in the thyroid cancer pro capite or a huge change in milk consumption in japan, if it's at the levels you think it is, then there should have been a 5x spike in the last year, and a subsequent stable increase in the next few, at the rate of 30% increase per year
Austin Wright
Thank god california will suffer from most of it.
Daniel Bell
Fukushima had less then 1/10 the radiation release that Chernobyl did.
Bentley Powell
Thunderf00t busted this already, next...
Cameron Cook
Now that you mention it, I think there was a nuclear experiment prank too, but some people's bones didn't even remain intact. The prank subjects later developed heavy cancer and had terrifying burns. Quite some time ago though.
Dominic Long
or maybe the conspiracy is how the tsunami came to be
Aaron Baker
Stupid nigger, we had atmospheric testing of nuclear warheads with little fuss. Gookashima may fuck up the Japs but I'm not a Jap and that's their problem.
Tyler Rogers
>youtube faggot >busting anything nah
Juan Young
Fake news from trolls.
David Smith
I'm being genuine here: How do we know that it's at 500+ Sv if electronics fry at 300 Sv?
Ryder Smith
Bullshit propaganda. There's many nuclear shills who keep lying and defending nuclear power because that's their livelihood.
Deaths by radiation will never be counter as "deaths by radiation" unless they hae acute poisoning which leads to death in weeks. That's the biggest scam of them all. Deaths from long lasting exposure to radioactive particles will always be counter something else because it's hard to prove what really caused all these cancers even when everybody knows it. It's legal loophole.
Pacific is already dead, there's no life on US west coast. It's just a matter of time when whole world is sick with radiation.
Carter White
>Fukushima will kill us all T. Someone who doesn't understand radiation
Jayden Roberts
>fag who believes in fake news Nah
Benjamin Harris
Aliens took care of it
Brayden Wilson
Because the information came from the robots sent in. The shielding on the robots didn't fail immediately. Shit takes time.
Kevin Rogers
Daniel Evans
both of those are random .com's made by nobodies who dont even have press passes
but im sure its a nice distraction from your real problems like the EU council wont let england leave and has rigged frances election just as they have rigged the next german election
for the record the cores couldnt melt their way through the foundation of the power plants. feet worth of concrete and they dont get hot enough to even melt heavy metals like steel
Elijah Walker
Measure at a distance. Calculate Sv at source through mathematical relationship between distance and Sv
Samuel Robinson
Jaxson Watson
>They can't cover it in concrete it will still leak Why can't they drill down around it, then make tunnels and fill them with concrete. When this is complete they can fill the sides with concrete, before covering it in concrete from the top.
Jack Reed
Sounds like the Bible
Andrew Butler
Bullshit. 3 cores went into full meltdown and released massive amounts of radioactive isotopes. Used nuclear fuel in the pools boiled freely after pools lost their water.
Ocean is the major problem because we cannot contain it same way like we did with Chernobyl. That's why it's still leaking and there's nothing we can do about it.
Austin Miller
this is such bullshite is not funny.
Is there a spike of cancers - Nope Is there a unexpected spike of deaths in Japan - Nope
Luke Rodriguez
>doesn't have the faintest idea how radiation works
You know you shouldn't skip your high school physics lessons.
Lincoln Barnes
wtfff I was told nuclear energy was clean????
Colton Sanders
Isaiah Lee
If this was true, wouldn't the politicians be avoiding those countries? Anyone seen chemtrails over Washington DC or any other place a President has visited? Why would they put themselves at risk if they are secretly trying to kill people with radiation?
Matthew Scott
Haha Op doesn't know radiation is good for him.
Jack Wood
the amount of radiation density is less than the sun. people don't understand radioactivity,,,
Julian James
No user, you silly finn.
What caused the chernoble release was the graphite fires which were uncontroled for days releasing butt-tons of radiation.
Fukashima released 340–800 PBq, while Cherynoble released 5200+ PBqs.
Jace Cooper
"CNN didn't tell it so it didn't happen."
MSM and officals has been covering this up since the beginning because truth is simply too horrible and it would lead to global panic.
Hey shills, can you finally explain how melted cores could be recovered? You cannot answer that question because there's no solution.
Jordan Ward
yes there is, in fact it was even discovered the sensors the government placed to show radiation around the areas were actually giving numbers much lower than the actual readings, do some research
Ayden Perry
>ITT: Finn overdoses on conspiracy science
Do you know just how much worse Chernobyl was than this, rally driving swede?
For some reason when a coal power plant explodes though, it's cleaned up, fixed and back to work in a few months.
Fukushima OTOH has been dragging on for years now and looks like it'll drag on for centuries at this rate.
Josiah Campbell
If radiation made all women look like Ann Coulter, I'd be for that 100%
Aaron Turner
Chernobyl had only 100 tons of nuclear waste and it has been estimated that only 5% was actually released.
Fukushima had over 5000 tons, at least 600 tons have melted into earth and it't polluting whole ocean.
Tell me how you will recover those cores? So far any of the shills haven't answered that.
Jose Johnson
Good thing I live on the opposite side of the planet desu
Justin Nguyen
And you can bet they'll start lableing everything as Atlantic seafood when people get wise to this. Just avoid all seafood to be safe.
Nathan Rogers
I literally do not care.
Dominic Wilson
>there's no life on US west coast >California is devoid of life at this very moment
I really hope you're baiting here. You were probably refering to aquatic life, but that's still a fucking retarded claim. Go to /x/ when you start throwing bullshit like this around.
Brandon Young
>Hey shills, can you finally explain how melted cores could be recovered? If you understood how it works, you would know that they would do the same that they did in 3 mile island.
You keep tabs on it and wait 30 years as the radiation level drops As stuff like Strontium-90 decays and drops the radiation level dramatically.