Fukushima will kill us all

Shill attack. You can't prove me wrong because that's the truth. 6 years have passed and Tepco hasn't done anything. Hundreds of tons of nuclear waste are in direct contact with groundwater and ocean.

Those who say "it's nothing", please explain how melted cores could be recovered? Radiation keeps hitting new records and buildings are in danger to collapse. Even 7 richter earthquake could crash the buildings which would lead to plant evacuation.

10+ years and humans cannot reproduce anymore because all they get is deformed babies or not even that. 20+ years and most of the humanity is gone.

Stop eating sushi. Stop eating canned tuna. Stop eating anything that comes from the sea.

I warned you.

>Marine life is dying in pacific

Stop believing alex-jones-tier conspiracy theories.


also don't drink japanese tea. The leafs around the fukushima prefection are contaminated and sometimes pass the check.

>implying poo from Ganga isn't worse for the environment

Thorium molten salt reacors will save us all and prevent shit like this from ever happening again.

cheaper, higher yeild, virtually 0 chance of meltdown and cant make nukes with it

What if we nuke it? Fight fire with fire type of thing.

lftr does not real

World health Organization has confirmed that zero people have died due to the radiation.

who knows maybe the radioactive particles would undergo transformation and everything is clean afterwards?