Autists get in here REEEE

Phew, thanks my white friend.

>Your neurodiverse (Aspie) score: 75 of 200
>Your neurotypical (non-autistic) score: 108 of 200

so I'm a mix?

Red side is autist and blue side is normie. Fitting right?

Neurotypical is a term used to describe people who are not on the spectrum, but there's contention about what that even means. Are sociopaths neurotypical, for instance? I would say not as they lack affective empathy. Autists lack cognitive empathy.

I can even imagine some sociopaths being pinged for autism just because the diagnostic criteria screens for abnormalities in emotional and social processing.

similar score here user

I've taken this test before, I posted results and everyone called me a normie and started throwing rocks at me.

How do I look?


Impressive chart user. I'm kind of scared

what should I feel about this