This lady has a channel on youtube where she talks to some of the biggest people involved in the alt-right and famous youtube people. But she just came out of nowhere. Is it some kind of controlled opposition channel?
Who is this, exactly?
I smell psyop. (((Google))) have been doing their best to shove her down my throat.
She had another channel named 'reality calls' but deleted all her videos and seemingly took a break from youtube. She's been around, at least over the course of the US presidential election cycle.
>listening to an interesting interview with an australian scientist about values and how they can effect your life
>"I have an asian wife"
she has some interesting interviews though. Is about to get married to a white man and have white kids, but of course Sup Forums thinks she's a jewish psy-op
she is a trained fbi agents with connections to sorros and was involved in faking the gas attack in syria for the second time. assad is innocent putin is god fuck obama
she popped up with all the pizza gate fantasy
Her channel is receiving far too much push promotion. There's something going on.
Hot girls get lots of attention with little effort. Get used to it.
youtube gives you suggestions based on your search history, if she is popping up, it's because something in their algorithm tells them you'll like her interviews or maybe she's a jew plant, giving reasonable interviews to people like Jared Taylor and Greg Johnson
And her videos always have very few views (like 6k at most) and yet she talks to the most popular people, like jordan peterson, black pigeon, etc