Who is this, exactly?

This lady has a channel on youtube where she talks to some of the biggest people involved in the alt-right and famous youtube people. But she just came out of nowhere. Is it some kind of controlled opposition channel?

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I smell psyop. (((Google))) have been doing their best to shove her down my throat.

She had another channel named 'reality calls' but deleted all her videos and seemingly took a break from youtube. She's been around, at least over the course of the US presidential election cycle.

>listening to an interesting interview with an australian scientist about values and how they can effect your life
>"I have an asian wife"

she has some interesting interviews though. Is about to get married to a white man and have white kids, but of course Sup Forums thinks she's a jewish psy-op

she is a trained fbi agents with connections to sorros and was involved in faking the gas attack in syria for the second time. assad is innocent putin is god fuck obama

she popped up with all the pizza gate fantasy

Her channel is receiving far too much push promotion. There's something going on.

Hot girls get lots of attention with little effort. Get used to it.

youtube gives you suggestions based on your search history, if she is popping up, it's because something in their algorithm tells them you'll like her interviews or maybe she's a jew plant, giving reasonable interviews to people like Jared Taylor and Greg Johnson

And her videos always have very few views (like 6k at most) and yet she talks to the most popular people, like jordan peterson, black pigeon, etc

We don't need YouTube channels with a Jewish agenda, they already control to much in the media. Absolutely never trust a left Jews and also stay away from alt-right Jews. There is no place for Jews in the white ethnostate. Let them all fuck of to Israel and stay there. Shame Hitler could not finish his job and wipe them all out.

>giving reasonable interviews
they aren't even interviews, it's just maieutics

She had some chit-chat with Richard Spencer . I Love the views that he has, just don't like this Jew girl.

A cutey is all I know.

>There's something going on.
She is right wing and a female. That is literally all it takes.

She's Indian/Jewish

Probably because she works for MI5 or GCHQ

she is a friend of black pigeon speaks he promoted her on some of her early race realism stuff then she got a bigger audience after looking into pizzagate.

she was around before you tard youtube has repeated shoahd her channel

wheres the proof that shes jewish? shes had lots of guests bring up the JQ and iv never heard her be pro kike.

They've talked twice, once on her own show and once with her female friend. Haven't listened to either, but might get around to it.

>controlled opposition
When the autism kicks in...

Surely, everyone who doesn't ouright oppose us is controlled opposition!

She's a refugee of Londonistan, fleeing to America for her freedom of speech.

She had an interesting talk with Styxhexenhammer.

Stop advertising e-celebs. S.

>Surely, everyone who doesn't ouright oppose us is controlled opposition!

Name me one public figure Sup Forums hasn't accused of being a jewish psy-op.

I have watched much of her content. She is a hardcore race realist and edging pretty close to ethno-nationalism. You can see her talk with Jordan Peterson where she gets crestfallen when he starts to criticize the alt-right.

I've known about her for a while. She's pretty cool.

Thats the thing, there are none.

This. I'm tired of seeing this Jew cunt's arrogant sneer and her uncharismatic videos come up next to legit channels that I like to watch. You see this? It means "not welcome."

Trust nobody, not even yourself.

she looks like a jew. her face is arched forwards in as if to rub her hands

Oh shit she's Indian? I once had a talk with her in the comment section of one of her vids and I criticized her interest in meditation because it was from India and nothing good comes from India. I didn't know she was indian XD

>Shame Hitler could not finish his job and wipe them all out.
But he never did try to wipe them out, it's the Jews themselves who spout that just for sympathy points.

Her grandmother or great-grandmother was Indian, she herself is not.

She didn't come out of nowhere. She's been around for a while. And she's smart and probably does a better job interviewing people than anyone including redice. Jared Taylor invited her to speak at amren and she's going to do a fantastic job. She's all around based. Meanwhile, you are an all around faggot.

No, you being ignorant and not abreast of things everyone else knows about is not "controlled opposition", it's just you being ignorant or possibly even stupid.


Her ancestry she published only lists her as 1.9% Ashkenazi and 10% South Asian. I think she's more white than anything, and I do enjoy her videos.

She used to have a lot of older videos but had to take them down because of getting strikes on Youtube. She was a lot smaller of a channel back then, makes me wonder how many people have seen them who browses here.

He did? That is pretty amazing


>woman on jewtube

a camwhore but she wont show tits

>you find out you are the shill

I've seen Hitler, Goebbels, George Lincoln Rockwell, Oswald Spengler, Julius Evola, David Duke, Jared Taylor, William Pierce, Richard Spencer, and Osama Bin Laden all get called jewish shills on Sup Forums

CIA leave pls

It is amazing.

What's more amazing is when she BTFO Jordan Peterson. She fucking laughed at him when he said that when the far right starts getting upset it might be time to *slow down* immigration then proceeded to rekt his shit. Can your favorite youtuber do that?


The BTFO starts at 42:00. She laughs at him and rekts his shit at 47:30

Bin Laden definitely was. Just like the rest of the Saudi nobility

Sup Forums is full of lonely men who are ready to eat up some vaguely regurgitated "redpilled" talking points from average looking women. Many such cases!

Brittney Pettibone right? She seems ok to me. I know her from Gab.

her real name is Sinead McCarthy.

Shes been active for quite a while. She has deleted and restarted her youtube several times though.

i got her in my video feed.
she literally shape shifts during the interviews.
ugly ass jewess

Oddly she got 50K talking to styx lol

ramzpaul has 10k per video and cnn made a video about the alt right using his videos.

Tara McCarthy, Bubba Dean Joe le fucktard...Sinead is my girl...

Fucking hell everything is a false flag to you idiots

no prettybones is more fuckable. That is realitycalls a race realist and Ethno-nationalist

Really, she spells Sinéad incorrectly?

Sup Forums is always right

>everyone is controlled opposition

Who ISN'T controlled opposition?

yeah, they thought they can tar and feather the altright with ramzpaul

he could've had 1k per video

Then that's good.

shut up fag


holocaust deniers

Like i said, her name is Tara...Sinead McCarthy is this girl...


she related to Marina Abromawitch?

any Spirit Cooking episodes?

I've been talking about her but faggots here said brittanny pettibone was better. He just has no answer to "they're already here and outbreeding us". Well, worse, his answer is "immigrants r actually conservative, they're on your side!!21!". There's no fucking way back, we need bio weapons for shitskins

She used to have a channel where she talked about veganism.

She would comment on the Golden One's vegan videos and then she started making videos about immigration, so maybe he redpilled her. I think she used to be blue pilled libertarianish.

She did also use to be an anti-natalist though, curious if she's changed her view on that.

She keeps switching, renaming and deleting channels due to censorship issues / bans. She explains in her videos why she does it and it seems legit - at least to me.

Super right wing ethno nationalist but also seems like a typical moralist. Look at the virtue of the west - especially when they are only women - and they keep talking about is how x y and z should be banned by the government because it's bad for you, or degenerate.

>Super right wing ethno nationalist
then wtf is andrew anglin?
lmao these bitches would had been labeled democrats 10 years ago.

>There's something going on.
yeah, she has interesting guests
also she did her thing for quite a long time but recently started a new channel because she got strikes I assume

>1.9% Ashkenazi
lol anyone who knows anyhting about genetics can tell that numbers below 5% are fucking irrelevant

you can have a native american gene and irish gene interact in such a way that produces a kike ashkenazi marker

its literally irrelevant.

the 10% is a bit more telling though, she definitely has some poo in her but again the only people who REALLY care about the 1 drop rule are dnc shills and meatheads

You never know who is who here anymore. No one from old Sup Forums would say that dumb brittanny bitch is better, but for all you know you could be talking to a 90 IQ Mexican in a MAGA hat from r/the_donald. r/the_donald's idea of a political ideology is making trump not look racist.


She's very Jewish isn't she?

I linked them her talks with the black mensa members, they didn't have time for them. Not wanting to listen to race realists niggers when it's just such good shit to link anywhere "race" is being discussed. "Oh you say blacks are being oppressed, here have the most inteligent members of their race explain to you IQ differences"