
tell me something about my country without googling it.

Polish clay

idz dopiči

A huge faggot lives there, by evidence of your post.

Nie obsraj się tam xD

First lady.

Broke away from the Czech, Hitler wanted to annex you, not important even by Europoor standards

Probably hot Slavic chicks, decent flag, not p*lish

the last part is true but not even hitler wanted to annex us, he wanted czechs


Pronounced Slow-vock-eeah

Since when pigs can use computers?

>American education

josef tiso was president in ww2, cucked on deportation of jews because muh religion

that's slovenia ya dumbo

First lady is a BIGLY Slovene, and Barron can speak your language fluently.

there was the 1944 uprising, I read the first time about it when I got an old model airplane with Slovak rebel markings from my cousin.

My Czech grandpa said you were only good for skiing.


Off the top of my head:

Your capital is Bratislave, Preßburg in German. You used to be part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire and afterwards Czechoslovakia. In WW2 you were allied with Germany under Tiso. You speak Slovak which is a West Slavic language. You are part of NATO and the EU and have adopted the euro. There is a sizable Hungarian minority in your country. Also gypsies if I remember correctly.


Your women are sluts.

lmao, czechs visit our mountians very often and there's a popular joke that czechs only wear sandals with socks all the time, resulting in many deaths in the mountains

It starts with an s

Baltic and suppress your Russians?

You have to pay for toilet paper in public restrooms because Yuropoors can't afford toilet paper

sauce: visited Czechloslovakia


The rightmost part of former Czechoslovakia

I'd like to know if this is true

Bratislava. I don't know what went wrong there.

It's not. There's no public restrooms

Odd way to thank us from freeing you from Russian filth. GROM best nonUS special forces.

Trdelnik is fucking good.

very good my friend

Slovakian beer is better than Czech

Lotta pro CS players for such a small country.

fuck off drumpflet

So we'd have one irrelevant country instead of two? Who cares

>Implying I'm a damn statist

Fuck off nigger

Bohemian culture and probably too much sluttiness.

co to maš međ nogami to nje dlakenko to šuma?
you guys play good hockey

slavs are the muslims of white people


It's the shit part of Czechoslovakia. Main export is gypsies.

Your language has 7 cases

I love Zlaty Bazant

top notch Austrian province

Najlepsia krajina na svete.

>Generations of kings such a Casimir had Jew friendly policies, giving Poland a large pre WW2 Jewish population
>Pols become the eternal jew
>"lol fucking Jewmerica"
Why exactly do you think Hitler invaded?

you're calling me a dumbo? Wat?

Well, many South Slavs (Bonsiaks) are literally Muslims

Slovenia =\= Slovakia

A lot of like Croatia. People does not have water closet in house but rather shithouse in backyard, but nevertheless brand new BMW X5 is parked in front.

All I remember was you usedto be Czechoslovakia, and my teachers called you that way past 93' as it seems after searching you, you became Slovakia... they called you Czechoslovakia till about 2001...

nah, the other user
clicked you by mistake


The less valuable part of Czechoslovakia. Prague isn't there, also no Bohemian Lager.

Its Požunj not pressburg. Hungarians build it.

i went there when it was still czechoslovakia

They have a post sharing arrangement with the Slovenian embassy beca use so many people get you mixed up.

Shithouse is redpilled

Oink Oink indeed

You publicly btfo Islam which means you will always have my respect, desu

I never talk offensive agains Slovaks. So ofc its redpilled. They were hockey world champions. And Czech stole their flag and all sport medails. Czeck flag is actually Bohemia white, Slovakia red and Moravia blue triangle in between.


pointless mutual rivalry, anthem representing an atomic war, I got lost in your capital

I remember the name of ur capital (I'm autistic), but overall ur a pretty forgettable country

that's sibling rivalry bratu! also a very interesting interpretation of the anthem

Sometimes I get the feeling tham some people take it far beyond that

Nice mountains. Cold in winter. Top per capita car producer. Your women are knockouts until you marry them then they blow up like balloons.

I get drunk in both of yours capitals more than few times. And i did not get lost. From Bratislava i foundly remember couple of girls that i have asked for directions to another bar. And one was trying to explain me where to go, and other one told me dont go there. There are only men there :) Tam sami muži

ay, assholes be assholes

i bet you went there anyway and didnt even try to fuck the girl

Youre a big man

Marek Hamsik

We are basically the same

I'm big enough to ask for directions

The capital is Budapest.

>American eduction

As for OP - I have family in a small village in the countryside. Pretty /comfy/, no niggers, nice people. Went to Bratislava once but I only stayed at the station because I had to change trains. Would like to visit Bratislava a bit more eventually
Only downside is that you have tons of gyppos.

>t. Czechfag

When your nana swears at you its sounds something like “vudi bishki udash pobe”

Used to share a capitol with the Czech Republic but your country decided that Praha was too beautiful and needed to go seperate ways.

the capital station is shite
few months ago someone put wedges on the word STANICA so it meant pissplace.. which it is actually

This is the reason why i like Sup Forums

Sources say 700.000 gypsies out of 5M inhabitants.

hamšik. below poland. that's about it.

Michael Moore went there and then complained about the US education system.

Janosik, Hamsik

Maybe the only EU country headed for national socialism, when Fico and Kotleba would make a coalition.

BTW don't you think we need our own Sup Forums?

you were part of the ussr

do we?
Sup Forums would just be JEBEM TVOJHO ALAHA threads

srebrenica did happen and serbia did nothing wrong.

You were in the Axis in WW2.

Slovaks being salty, what's new?
>critisizing one fucking habit left over from the commie times, that people who are now over sixty do
>disregarding the fact, that Prague alone is culturally and academically more important then the whole Slovakia

Other than that, based country.

>popular joke

i don't think im the one salty here

Yeah bullshit mate.
Czech out Nagano winners, we have the better hockey players.
As well as more medals since we split up.

Yes, I think we need something to discuss stuff freely and to redpill each other.

I heard about the "Tatra tiger" expression for Slovakia

Ya no hard feelings, bratu. I just get weirdly competetive, when I hear about Slovaks.

>As well as more medals since we split up.

Yes, also the economy is stronger. Overall I think Klaus predicted correctly that you should separate from Slovakia, I would do the same being you.

Anyway, we will see what happens next since Czech politicians are currently more cucked and Frau Merkel can drag you toward more immigration and islamisation, so not sure who will be better at the end.