What does this actually mean...

dalai lama is a chink puppet

Even if they go back to middle age or something, nothing can be worse than being ruled by the chinese pigs.

there's a Chinese Dalai Lama in China and the actual Dalai Lama in India. There's no possible way the real Dalai Lama is in cahoots with Beijing. He's literally a terrorist in their eyes and Chinese people are so brainwashed to think so. I had a Chinese student who disappeared for 2 weeks and when she came back she said she went back to China because the Dalai Lama was visiting the US and she "didn't know what would happen"

no one's claiming it's absolutely good to be ruled by China and to have your people overrun by Chinese, but the point is it's a straight up impossibility at this point to thing of de-Sinifying Tibet and would create untold havoc for their economy

yeah this one might be a doppelganger. chinks serve the dark god, that's the only reason they ruined tibet. if we could have access to ancient teachings housed in india and tibet everything would be different now. anglos and chinks took care of it though

A free Tibet would starve to death. It would be even less relevant than some asdfstan in central Asia

Tibet was liberated

By the RCA


this is true. even though it's overwhelmingly Buddhist, it's nearly impossible to be a vegetarian there because there just isn't enough produce to survive on.

>if we could have access to ancient teachings housed in india and tibet everything would be different now. anglos and chinks took care of it though
what does this mean? unless you need something really obscure, pretty much the whole Tibetan canon is easily available

my Tibetan teacher told us about her family members who tried to go vegetarian and got really sick because of lacking essential nutrients.