dude let em tell you
if it was up to me
we would neutron bomb canada and china
tooo night
>Compares Chinese Land Forces only to the US Marine Corps
>Largest army
>Still managed to get massacred by a couple of chinks in WW2 that decided to sail a few miles
Here is your (you)
>Comparing an Army to Marines
The Marine Corps is organized under the Department of the Navy you leaf. They don't even get money directly from congress.
Does anyone seriously consider the size of ones active force seriously now?
When I worked with the CF every infantryman was armed well enough to kill hundreds of people on his own, even if that was never a part of the strategy.
That along with the rest of the arsenal, numbers count for shit. Why are typical Canadians so retarded?
Cause you elected a Ski instructor to lead your fucking country.
That's actually pretty small for how large their population is. There is 1.4 million active personnel in the military.
You IQ is high af
>calling Jap chinks
Lrn2RacialInsult you fucking idiot