Be wh*te monkey

Congratulations you are now on my list of countries that should be decimated when the global day of the rope crusade begins. Burn in hell you filthy muslim.

Exterminator, w got a infestation here.
Looks like a whole damn colony


When millions of you shitskins die, nobody cares because it means nothing in the grand scheme except more open real estate.

How does it feel to know you're culturally irrelevant for...oh...the rest of time of man's existence?

Allah akbar, inshallah our brothers and sisters of Kurdistan will melt the dick off of evil cunt dictator Erdogan.


>be turkturd
>shitpost on an American made site
>wonders what's life is all about
>dies in 10 days because roach.

> be a roach
> shitpost online until you start a nuclear war
> everyone dies but you and your fellow roaches
> take over the world

We're onto you OP. Time to get out the can of Raid boys.

Hello Nigger.

Has Allah got you down? No white women in your village to rape?

Are your children's pig mother no longer eating your grass?

You too can find help on Sup Forums. Here we will remind you that you are a subhuman shitskin pig fucker and your prophet child molester is making your life hell because you refuse to sacrifice your life in the name of Allah.

Your 72 virgins await you. Now go see Abdullah about that suicide vest and find a market full of shitsknis and give your life for Allah. It is your destiny.

>be turkshit
>speak the white monkey's language

You already lost before you began.

Now fuck off, faggot.

Attention all newfags.
The faggot roach OP posts this shit daily. He is so jealous of the master race and it shows by his pathetic attempt to slander us in these half-assed threads. Remind him that he is a piece of shit from a shithole, but do not let him trigger you. This is really all he has in life and that's sad. The only time he is allowed to use internet in his country he is forced to slander us. Take notice.