Grand Kids Future is looking bleak

Is he right /pol? Is the White race doomed?



>we can coexist peacefully, and BTW, your daughter is going to get blacked

I, like most, didn't know or care who Spencer was before he was shilled by the media.

Though if he *has* to be my appointed him.

He's fucking stupid, charismatic, slow witted and fat.

exactly, wtf kind of statement is that?

"Hey we're going to replace you and rub it in your face"

Concern trolling with a mask drop at the end because he can't maintain his composure.

He hates your guts and has no interest in peaceful existence, but rather to delay/stall/demoralize you long enough in the hopes you'll realize his intentions only when it's too late.

Don't doubt your feelings, he is your enemy.

Fuck Spencer, too.

if "your great grandkids are going to be brown" then why even bother trying to be peaceful? The nig doesn't even seem to understand he's telling spencer that whites SHOULD start a race war.

I figured as much. Blacks are only open boarders because it hurts whites

>Fuck Spencer, too

Spencer is fine. Not Jared Taylor, but I think he's doing more good than harm

He's a dork, man.

Take him as a lesson on how not to act...for better or worse Milo at least rolls with punches, just don't huff black dick and get an out of control ego.

>Milo at least rolls with punches

Milo was so much worse lol.

Yes but if you were in an argument at a party, and both Spencer/Milo supported your point....who would you rather have make the point?

Spencer, the dorkazoid?
Or Milo?

Milo has presentation and charisma, Spencer has shitty clothes and shitty talking points.

>Milo has presentation and charisma

he really didn't. he had a brand and was a showman. doesn't mean he was a great thinker or anything like that, Jared Taylor is a dork, but he's still been fine.

Taylor has plodding intelligence to counteract lack of charisma, Milo *is* a talker and presenting the you talk plays a major role.

This is just a fact.

While Milo is a disgusting degenerate kike he has ten times the verbal ability Spencer has.

>Milo *is* a talker and presenting the arguments

He really didn't. He was just a fancy showman who never talked about anything important.

Ok, you're obviously just a moron who can't grasp that presentation is vital.

Milo reached a fuckload more people than Spencer.

you picked a good OP picture. i see the complete opposite reality happening in the future. once designer babies are even slightly affordable, we're gonna have a bunch of aryan looking taylor swifts running around

>Is he right /pol?

lol no
black people are aborting themselves to death
white Republicans are well above replacement rate
white Democrats are barely having 1 child per woman

>Ok, you're obviously just a moron who can't grasp that presentation is vital.
>Milo reached a fuckload more people than Spencer.

Right, I'm so glad Milo talked about free speech, black cock, and video games to his large audience. What a great message!!!!

>I think Whites and Blacks should have their own countries and coexist that way peacefully

I keep telling "civic nationalists" non-whites, especially niggers, HATE US. They want us dead.