He's a dork, man.
Take him as a lesson on how not to act...for better or worse Milo at least rolls with punches, just don't huff black dick and get an out of control ego.
He's a dork, man.
Take him as a lesson on how not to act...for better or worse Milo at least rolls with punches, just don't huff black dick and get an out of control ego.
>Milo at least rolls with punches
Milo was so much worse lol.
Yes but if you were in an argument at a party, and both Spencer/Milo supported your point....who would you rather have make the point?
Spencer, the dorkazoid?
Or Milo?
Milo has presentation and charisma, Spencer has shitty clothes and shitty talking points.
>Milo has presentation and charisma
he really didn't. he had a brand and was a showman. doesn't mean he was a great thinker or anything like that, Jared Taylor is a dork, but he's still been fine.
Taylor has plodding intelligence to counteract lack of charisma, Milo *is* a talker and presenting the arguments....how you talk plays a major role.
This is just a fact.
While Milo is a disgusting degenerate kike he has ten times the verbal ability Spencer has.
>Milo *is* a talker and presenting the arguments
He really didn't. He was just a fancy showman who never talked about anything important.
Ok, you're obviously just a moron who can't grasp that presentation is vital.
Milo reached a fuckload more people than Spencer.
you picked a good OP picture. i see the complete opposite reality happening in the future. once designer babies are even slightly affordable, we're gonna have a bunch of aryan looking taylor swifts running around
>Is he right /pol?
lol no
black people are aborting themselves to death
white Republicans are well above replacement rate
white Democrats are barely having 1 child per woman