We THIN shaming now


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Why do fatties have to hate on being healthy and sexually attractive?

They're trying to meme Chad into dating them.


Why are fat people so fucking stupid? Just stop stuffing your face all day holy shit.

They should have made wonder woman fat and given her a burka.
That's what the people want to see.

Because losing weight is hard, so they think it's easier to change everyone else's mind on what is attractive. I was just disappointed wonder woman was so thin and fragile looking, instead of stronger and more athletic looking.

Kys, fucking leaf.....

Well shes also a kike from israel.
Fuck her

she looks fucking bulimic desu also 404 on that ass

>normal women pushed this fat positivity stuff to have a larger pool of people who can date
>fat people fell for the meme
>now they're trying to get back at it by making everybody fat
when everybody is fat, nobody is fat

fatness once was the surest sign of wealth and nobility. now it is a sign of poverty and low standing.

this is next level meta shitposting

I could bury my face in some wealth right now

>KobayaSHIT-san's Maid Dragon
delet yourself

Yeah she's not very fit for a warrior but sorry beached whales of californias shore she wouldn't look like you, but rather she'd just look like a dyke/guy.


Losing weight isn't even hard. Just stop eating for a while and the pounds come off like crazy.


I don't understand the people who take absolutely radical measures with their weight loss. I've heard of water fasts lasting days, eating sub-900 calories, and other dangerous crap. How hard it is to limit your calorie intake to low-calorie, nutrient-rich foods?
If you need to lose tons of weight just opt out for a ketogenic diet, don't fucking starve yourself.

It's like that Fable with the Fox who lost his Tail so he tried to trick all the other foxes into losing theirs so he wouldn't stick out as a maimed freak

It was kind of a sarcastic comment in comparing losing weight to changing other people's minds on what to find sexually attractive, which is far more difficult. But losing weight is hard in the same sense changing your life is hard. It's "hard" in the sense of getting out of that rut in your life to actually do it, a diet isn't just something you do for a few weeks and then return to what you were doing before, it needs to be a lifestyle change to lose the weight and keep it off.

Please make an effort. Most of the slide threads at least contain a single question. I have not seen this exact thread before, so there is a possibility that you are not a shill. In that case; if you want to shitpost, please find a thread to do so. It now takes me more than 20 minutes to clean up the catalog to see if there are any good threads. Most intelligent people left Sup Forums years ago, but from time to time there might be something interesting.

I'd give her some glory. She married tho

>Wonder Woman can teach women and little girls that they can do anything....except lose weight

>losing weight is hard
Stop endlessly shoveling shit into your face and move around and lift you fat worthless subhuman piss

>disappointed about comic book character depiction
you're just as bad as the SJWs who are mad about the Thinkthin promo.

Although this shit annoys me just as much
>skinny girls, not complete skeletons but still plenty beneath being fat
>talks about how she wants to lose weight constantly, diet foods, workouts and shit
And I'm just standing there every time, thinking what the fuck

6' 130 lbs thin shaming triggers me

You can't really be subtle with retards on Sup Forums you should always spell out what you mean when you post

>Gal Gadot

Whats this fuckery?