We THIN shaming now

she looks fucking bulimic desu also 404 on that ass

>normal women pushed this fat positivity stuff to have a larger pool of people who can date
>fat people fell for the meme
>now they're trying to get back at it by making everybody fat
when everybody is fat, nobody is fat

fatness once was the surest sign of wealth and nobility. now it is a sign of poverty and low standing.

this is next level meta shitposting

I could bury my face in some wealth right now

>KobayaSHIT-san's Maid Dragon
delet yourself

Yeah she's not very fit for a warrior but sorry beached whales of californias shore she wouldn't look like you, but rather she'd just look like a dyke/guy.


Losing weight isn't even hard. Just stop eating for a while and the pounds come off like crazy.
