just the power of Sup Forums autists and wikileaks combined

The deep state is probably gonna blow the whole hospital up and find a way to blame it on Russian hackers so no one can ask questions there.

>talk about the scoops
That's a good point. How are they connected? We need to dig into this.

all of this shit is public record and if the fatshits on this board weren't so lazy you can go down to the county offices and get copies of everything about the investigation including death certificate and police report. this is easy as shit but Sup Forumstards don't actually care and are too busy watching anime and vidya


Great questions user. Maybe this will help:

This is how to make a FOIA request to the FBI for Seth Rich's case files. Those records will may answer some of your questions, which have never been answered or even asked.

the second scoop was for seth

What about Howard University Hospital? Articles say it's only three blocks away. What hospital did he die at? We need to look into the staff to see what kind of connections they have.

The biggest question to me is if the wounds he sustained in the shooting would have been fatal under normal circumstances. Remember that 95% of people who make it to the hospital alive with gunshots live.