Merkel thread

Germans, and Europeans, what is your honest opinion of Angela Merkel?

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She is a traitor to her own country and is sucking her¨s jewish masters cocks all day long.

In addition to those crimes, is one almost as bad; she doesn't like doggos. Only shitskins hate dogs


in her own words: alternativlos.
there's simply no alternative to her.

SPD will continue to fade into obscurity as they've spent the past 2 decades betraying the people, accomplishing nothing apart from keeping merkel in power and making empty promises.
they've fucked over the workers so so so often, they're literally referred to as "verräterpartei" by most people.

a common german proverb is
"wer hat uns verraten? die sozialdemokraten!"

martin schulz was never popular, people were just relieved that fat greasy piece of ham sigmar gabriel finally acknowledged his abysmal charisma and stepped down. in reality no one is gonna elect a literally who that used to serve in the EU parliament and is an ex-alcoholic as chancellor.
not gonna happen, ez.

so yeah it will be 16 years of merkel.
simply for lack of a better alternative. and to be honest, while she fucked up the refugee situation she has put germany in an incredibly strong position over the past decade. while the rest of the world fell apart in the wake of the 2008 crash germany remained pretty much the same, it's insane if you think about it.

>In addition to those crimes, is one almost as bad; she doesn't like doggos. Only shitskins hate dogs
doesn't hate them, she's scared of them. was attacked by one as a child, putin hilariously used that against her in the past.

The situation is nightmarish since the only alternative to her is a even more left-leaning socialist.
She is intelligent in getting rid of every single conservative rival and possible alternative within her own ranks though, thats probably the only thing which I can praise her for. (Keep in mind I am talking about G*rman conservatives, that says it all)

Literally Hitler.

She's a pretty good leader and I don't mean this ironically. What she decides lies on another plate and I'd rather judge each of her decisions individually but nobody could do the job better than her.
She's so good she could do an 180 on all her policies tomorrow turn Germany into the 4th Reich and still get the majority of the votes.

I talked to my mother today and she hopes that Merkel is killed as soon as possible.
Most likely the only thing my mom and I can agree on is that this woman needs to die.

just another proxy

Really? Worst German leader ever. She should have 4 divisions in Poland and 2 divisions in the Ukraine sitting on the Russian border right now.

But she has no balls. So no. Not a fan.

Yup, you sure caught me red handed huh.

Not really insane, just short sighted retardation. Some of what she done was good, but the refugees for a miniscule increase in GDP is dumb as fuck. They will end up costing far more than they produce and the country will end up in a worse situation in the long run. And I'm just speaking financially, you can't even account for the human cost. The people that have lost their family members, Frau and Kinder that are raped, the bullying they get at school, their neighborhoods getting shittier. I just wonder what she got in return for selling out her people?

Refugees breed like rabbits compared to native Euros. And if they're allowed to stay they bring their whole "family" (which strangely included 5-13 military aged males.) Fuck Merkel in her dusty old cunt


She is a good chanclor, she fucked a little bit up with the refugee crisis but It would be easier if other EU states helped with solving the problem. She is the one who helped Germany to be the richest country in Europe.

The solution is something no EU politician will agree to. Which is repatriation plans.

>All people granted refugee status will be repatriated in no less than 10 years, or when the the war in Syria is over. Including all children of people granted refugee status.

Instead the myopic cunts will let more and more in. Eventually, as it has every single time in history, the parallel society they build will either come into conflict with their host society, or through planned attack, and ethnic violence will erupt.

The longer they delay the more painful it's going to be.

She is good at what is her way of doing her job: Doing nothing and dodging blame. Additionally international politics is a strong point of hers.

Germany has/had an insanely good foundation and because of that, we rule Europe now. Too bad there is no proper idea/goal on what do to now, besides abusing this power to stay in power. Fuck everyone over so we can look better seems to be the course of action.

Domestically, Merkels policy of doing nothing slowly but surely erodes that great foundation. You can't rule a country for 10-20 years while doing nothing and expect the people to flourish. The infrastructure erodes. Poor people drop out of society. Immigrants are not integrated. Education sucks. All kinds of problems stack on each other and create a huge pile of shit, nobody gonna touch for a long time.

People work their asses off and get nothing in return. The country is in decline, yet looks great on the surface, due to the hard work of the comon pleb. All that power and potential, only to fuck greece in the ass and bend over if Erdogan says something.

Another 4-8 years of Merkel and Germany is done for. We need someone who can actually do something once in a while.

I think he was talking about Merkel

Kek Putin is a master troll

....just pass us over that gun, man.

that's the dune coon in her. dog hating.

Merkel is a good leader, no doubt about it. She's got that whole poker face untouchable vibe and she gets bonus points for being a female leader just because its uncommon.

Her policies are shit though, shes the result of growing up in anti-Hitler culture and big lurch to the left of politics after WW2. If she was more conservative she'd be an amazing leader.

Love how she's afraid of dogs but not muslim extremists.

As it is : the truth always hurts....

Basically Merkel wants Europe to be an ethnic arab territory
She's the true mastermind behind the new Hijrah

Nope, that was Schröder and the Agenda 2010. Or in other words:

The "you pay chinese wages for German quality" deal.

Traitor to Germany and Europe. Still trying to force change to EU members. In the future she will be seen as destroyer of EU becausenof jewery.

Mate, the FUCK do YOU know about Angela Merkel ???
You got to be kidding me, man ! !
Luftwaffe, when ?

Mike Pence can one-shot her with a basic skill

Germany is gone
" For Germany, immigration (and accepting refugees and migrants) is explicitly characterized as managed population replacement—they’re importing children rather than making them."
" Demographics Are Destiny: Germany’s Islamic Future"
" Given that the median age of Islamic immigrants in Germany is 32, this means that there are 3.95 million aged 32 or younger."
" There are only 22.86 million Germans (of both native, and Western-immigrant background) in Germany in that age group."

She's a traitor. Her continued orchestration of the ethnic replacement of Germans is the biggest crime this country and its people have seen in all of history. That is the bottom line.

>Nope, that was Schröder and the Agenda 2010.
This. I hate lefties but Schröder was alright.


She doomed the ethnic demographics therefore aceleratint the destruction of the cultural heritage/national identity and internal security of Germany and of its native people.

Temporary visas is the way to go (example: Arab Gulf States).

Merkel is alternativlos.
There is no one else who could take over the country.

As much as I hate her, but blaming the migrant crisis on her is very stupid.
The refugee crisis is not her fault but the other European countries who let them enter the EU illegally and then let them through to Germany.
What exactly could have Germany legally done with these people?
Especially Italy and Greece are the ones to blame. And their shitholes will collapse long before Germany.

Even resettled in periferic countries in EU (by the quotas), they escape again to Germany.
Can she make a secret pact with Schulz to support deportation before the elections? Another Summer with more Sea Arrivals to Europe shoreline is coming.
The Italians say they would get sanctions from EU if they keep out the migrants from coming here, man.

Mutti merkel can have my cummies


They are making a secret pact to sell the Autobahn to international investors, now. Arab gulfstates most likely among them.
You think they wanna anger the muslim kings, think again.

she's honestly great
based Merkel and so on

The most insane leader Germany has ever had.
Her racial extreamism gives Germans a bad name.
She was cloned in Brazil from grease stains found on the crotch of Hitler's lederhosen
As Germans are typically unbearable I suppose she is also emblematic of German unbearableness.
She is utterly unfuckable, Berlesconi was right.
And she carries all her tension in her shoulders because she was cloned with a bolt holding her head on, like that other famous Germanic - Frankensteins' Monster - who would be a more appealing leader for Germany to adopt.
She is a good marketing tool for WW3. Who wouldn't want to go back in time and stop this old bitch being born?


If ever a wuz there wuz