*sips tea*
*sips tea*
uh no sweetie he fucking won
wow his disses are as bad as his novels.
Umm sweetie he's real to me ;)
Trump is shit by why do celebs think, being disconnected from the real world, that they can provide political opinions?
Didn't he say he was going to close his account for good?
His tweets are as bad as a car full of assholes.
Actually, I think Stephen King *sips mouthwash*
Reminds me of Sean King
>Sips cum from darth vader lookalike
Hey shareblue, wanna hear a joke? I get off for memorial day and you don't.
Fucking kek leaf.
wanna hear a joke?
isn't this a fake author? as in, didn't his wife ghostwrite much of his dumb books?
t. his 3 year old nephew?
This shit is neither accurate or clever.
What a fucking retard.
.t fiction writer
says the one writing books full of fake stories
Lmao good one. They are not even trying anymore.
Holy fuck hans really reved up the ovens on that one.
Sand Bar island north of venezuela that depends on tourism to function
*sips Ahmed's cum
They're applying some real pressure on stephen king then.
I bet they have a van parked outside his house 24/7 now.
"Keep tweeting or we'll take out the cat"
fiction writer
>youre a fake president
is he back working again?