Why do white males get upset by black people in computer games?
Why do white males get upset by black people in computer games?
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Because white males actually buy video games, unlike niggers and women. The supply doesn't meet the demand. It pisses people off.
If there only in the game because there black and the devs want to score some victim points, then that's probbly why otherwise I don't really care who's in the game.
Why do black people not make their own computer games instead of demanding white males make them with black characters?
Why do niggers get upset when white people rap or have dreadlocks?
Video games are white and Jap culture. Nigs should stop appropriating.
nobody is upset, cuck
we are making fun of shitty diversity in games
Because black role models only exist in movies and video games.
You sound upset.
>hey, that's my bike!