My dad sent me this photo from a Canadian day celebration (leaf expat here)
Notice anything?
My dad sent me this photo from a Canadian day celebration (leaf expat here)
Other urls found in this thread:
*Canada day, auto correct
Beautiful day, looks more pleasant than Poland?
They appear to have given out free red t-shirts?
We know ...there are a lot of non whites at the event. This is not a novel observation.
So you noticed it too :^) I'm not the only one
What? that it looks more pleasant than Poland?
>lots of minorities in capital cities of Western countries in the current year
Not with all that literal human garbage in my city
>This is not a novel observation
If you look at you'll see that one of the screens says "oath affirmation" meaning that this is probably an event FOR immigrants
But Sup Forums won't care because that disrupts your narrative right?
u moved from canada to poland? I'm thinking of doing the same. How is it? I need to get out of this shithole
Life expectancy world rankings
>Canada #12
>Poland can't even crack the top 80