This triggers the Americuck.
This triggers the Americuck
How much IS Cocaine in Canada?
fucking canadians
What movie is this from?
>What OP drinks
I, Robot
>title literally in the picture
>in a plastic bag
The first one or the one with Edward Furlong?
>tfw this does actually trigger you because you drink a gallon of milk per day
how the fuck am i supposed to chug it without a handle????
Sooo, do you, like, have to drink it all at once or is there some kind of awkward ziplock seal?
Have you seriously never heard of a milk jug?
this is literally the most inconvenient thing I can think of
Do you stick a straw in it or some shit
m8, you're the ones hopping the border like damn snow Mexicans to get superior American cartons. Who's triggered?
Don't know, have you?
Protip: it doesn't have a bag.
I don't live on a farm, and ours come in one naturally.
I'll stick with this.
getting thirsty
So do you put that in some kind of dispenser when you don't use it all? Bagged milk makes sense in like...restaurants. How do you prevent the bag from spilling when setting it down after opening?
>Dog semen is sold by the liter in Canada
Fine leaf, I admit defeat, we are triggered by this fact.
Canadians are literally such scum.
That milk probably isn't even fashy.
trips don't lie
Not really.
I had bagged milk in the 5th grade, for some reason.
Never had it since.
Holyshit neck yourself
I can see how this might be easier for shipping, but essentially it sounds like the Canadian consumer is having to do twice the work of an American consumer. Counter productive, because apparently they have to pour theirs into what ours already is in.
$100 a gram for consistent, nice quality.
yes i have, hence why my milk doesnt come in a bag. fucking leafs, i swear
atleast they aren't triggered by dog boners
Doesn't trigger me, i just think its funny/weird
>2% milk
I don't care if it's in a carton or bag, if you drink that shit you should kill yourself
Bags are the future, your containers look like they're straight out of the ghetto.
Because you have to suck it straight from the source?
Schindler's List 2
whole milk master race
This triggers everyone in the civilized world, leafcuck
Ur getting ripped off bro
>So do you put that in some kind of dispenser
Also bagged milk is a regional thing, not country wide.
Bagged milk is a staple of communist society.
Behold, Canadia's dark secret unfolded.
>This triggers the Americuck.
You're goddamned right it does. Milk comes in cartons, not bags! What is the world coming to?
You just snip a corner
that is not true you're just trying to rile us up here, that is NOT how you use milk in bag surely
And pour it into the "milk jug" that ours already comes in, right?
lol I'm not worried about money dude, I just like it clean and consistent.
Already have had bags for years, thanks Kwik-Trip. It tastes like shit. Glass bottles aren't ghetto. The best milk comes in glass bottles.
No, you leave the bag in the jug, so you don't have to constantly wash the jug.
they have that in wisconsin
Soft plastic leaches xenoestrogen faster than hard plastic. So your bagged milk explains why all Canadians are effeminate cucks.
yeah except theirs is more like a lemonaid or tea container, whereas our milk jugs you can actually seal to protect the milk because milk can get gross real fuckin easy
do you drink the whole thing in a day? how do you seal it? why bother with all this labor?
Behold, Trudeau takes a daring step into the future for Canada by introducing a new milk container. From bags to spheres!
Canadia will show the world...*shakes fist*
you snip the corner like he said but the truth is reeal canadians suck on the bag like a big tit
Exposed to the open fridge? I hope your roommates are clean.
now with vitamin R!
this is the only believable post in this thread
So, instead of keeping it in jugs, you sell it in bags to pour into jugs yourself. Someone is getting rich off this scam and I bet it is a Jew.
Naa, grew up in wisconsin. Milk in a bag is fucking delicious. Buy it right from the dairy. Fresh bitches.
This is exactly 9000.
Gravity would colapse the bag. Nice shoop
Blue bag master race. Lock in those vitamins. What I find strange is "water in a box"
No, they have pitchers that you put the bag into and pinch it closed at the top.
Matrix Reloaded part 2: revelation.
it's true, even canadian prisoners get bags of milk, they are tiny bags of milk like pocket size, otherwise they would go insane from not having the milk to suck
Okay, I don't hate.
can confirm, got one in my kitchen
they sell 'em everywhere
i feel like i'm living in bizarro world. this is the canadian poe's law: it's so crazy that I dont know if parody or real
selling any liquid in a bag is third world nigger tier as fuck.
You better Belize it
I don't see the benefit over just putting milk in a plastic jug. I mean it's getting jugged either way, so why do it yourself?
Less packaging, so less waste
It's 1/4 a gallon so we dont like 25 bath tubs full of chunky backwash milk in our fridge. Who knows. Dairy marketing board or some shit
yall know how much time you waste doing all this for stupid fuckin milk? so much productivity down the drain because all these minutes dicking around with god damn milk calculus could be used doing shit more productive.
america is a superpower because we figured out the damn milk jug faster than anyone else, and then we saved billions of hours across the board and went to all kinds of space
speaking of space, you're taking up more space than you need to in the fridge for all these milk apparatuses
The washing argument is irrelevant from earlier when comparing to us, because we just throw our jug away when done. The only real benefit is in the logistics. I bet you can load up a truck with more milk in bags than jugs due to their shape.
Canadian test is so high it doesn't affect us, manlet.
but now its not sealed. Do Canadians drink their milk in one sitting?
Also this
it must be MUCH harder to pour consistently, given you must make the cut each time, and if anyone is like me you make fucked up cuts every time. no telling how much milk you've done spilled. you're time-and-milk wasteful. you guys are moving backwards, fellas
Not much is going inside a hole cut from a corner
>Drinking milk
You know that Almond/Soy/Rice Milk is cheaper and doesn't give you heart disease?
Cut the corner off. Set the whole bag in the jug. Neat and tidy. Less waste. Super convenient.
>plastic bags more likely to get recycled than a large jug
You a funny guy. Animals don't die from eating gallon sized milk jugs. You filthy animal murderer
Or have it fall on the floor like you with the parted red sea big gulp container
Only in Alberta, and Toronto gives you all -15 points..
As in the whole country.
You can pinch it shut, or use a clip if you like, but it's not a big deal. Cardboard containers don't seal all that well either, and milk does fine in them.
Not if you grew up with it. It's not that hard though, you can try for yourself (pic related)
>soy milk
Enjoy your elevated levels of estrogen and boobs
meh, rather make milkshakes in a back then pour it into a cup. Though probably be better to use a blender to make milkshakes.
Powder milk has a little bit of a strange taste than regular milk. Banana milk though is amazing.
>hurr durr sucking dog semen
>t. dog semen-slurping leaf
Why is the first thing you say when talking abotu dog semen is sucking it from dogs, instead of not consuming dog semen at all? It's like you fucking leaf ARE dog semen chuggers. I can't wait until Trump destroys your country filled with dog semen chuggers, like you. Day of the Rake cannot come soon enough.
If I saw that sign I'd be tempted to shoot myself, and not from guilt.
I was going to call bullshit, but all those woman and child refugees probably raise your average to a normal level.