>plastic bags more likely to get recycled than a large jug
You a funny guy. Animals don't die from eating gallon sized milk jugs. You filthy animal murderer
>plastic bags more likely to get recycled than a large jug
You a funny guy. Animals don't die from eating gallon sized milk jugs. You filthy animal murderer
Or have it fall on the floor like you with the parted red sea big gulp container
Only in Alberta, and Toronto gives you all -15 points..
As in the whole country.
You can pinch it shut, or use a clip if you like, but it's not a big deal. Cardboard containers don't seal all that well either, and milk does fine in them.
Not if you grew up with it. It's not that hard though, you can try for yourself (pic related)
>soy milk
Enjoy your elevated levels of estrogen and boobs
meh, rather make milkshakes in a back then pour it into a cup. Though probably be better to use a blender to make milkshakes.
Powder milk has a little bit of a strange taste than regular milk. Banana milk though is amazing.
>hurr durr sucking dog semen
>t. dog semen-slurping leaf
Why is the first thing you say when talking abotu dog semen is sucking it from dogs, instead of not consuming dog semen at all? It's like you fucking leaf ARE dog semen chuggers. I can't wait until Trump destroys your country filled with dog semen chuggers, like you. Day of the Rake cannot come soon enough.
If I saw that sign I'd be tempted to shoot myself, and not from guilt.
I was going to call bullshit, but all those woman and child refugees probably raise your average to a normal level.