Treason and the Trump campaign
Trump's son talked (gasp) with a Russian woman! (faints) Now democrats are pretending like that's some kind of crime. They act like Russia was behind 9/11.
If it was a strike against the democRATs it cannot be treason by definition, since democRATs and liberals are the biggest enemy to America. I would gladly do the biddings of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi if he was fighting the democraps.
>flagrantly lying on Sup Forums hoping no one notices
You're on the wrong site if you think we didn't all see MSM intentionally use the term "election hacking" an incalculable amount of times on air, on twitter, and in headlines.
You'll have much better luck hoodwinking people on shariareddit, so just go back.
I do know that some people have at times said "election hacking" as shorthand for "hacking Democratic material and selectively releasing it to help Trump".
But you've already forgotten the beginning of this discussion. That's another exasperating trait you guys have - you can't hold more than one post in your memory so long chains of argument always break down.
The original poster said, essentially, "Trump Jr wasn't meeting about Russian hacking ergo this is all fake news".
And I pointed out how ridiculous that was. He was meeting with an ostensible agent of a foreign power to get bad information on HRC. It's open and shut and your arguments are circles. You just keep moving the goal posts around and throwing in red herrings.
Trump Jr. himself said it was bullshit and there was nothing there. Or else he would have used it.
Except the "agent of a foreign power" was essentially a DNC subcontractor and not tied to to the Russian government. No laws were broken and no information was even exchanged.
>Except the "agent of a foreign power" was essentially a DNC subcontractor
The email ITSELF represented her as an agent of a foreign power and Trump Jr was happy to meet with her under those auspices.
>no information was even exchanged
1.) Trump has every reason to lie in this scenario and has been changing (or "expanding" if you want to be charitable) his story for 3 days
2.) Even if no meaningful information was exchanged, Trump Jr knowingly tried to get help on the campaign from a foreign national, and that's a crime.
It's almost like the Democrats want their leaders exposed. Do they think no one knows the shit they (Obama,Clinton, etc) have done? Shit's gonna come out about them and it's going to be the fucking mother load.