I had no idea Camus wrote a book about the Bolsheviks. Is it any good?
It would have to be put down.
Did you even read my comment?
>trotsky uses ussr to invade europe and force communism on everyone
>europe joins together to remove communism
>usa helps europe
>no muh 6 gorrilion
>jew look bad while the western world looks good
That's Colonel Sanders fucking nigger
Polish-Soviet War ended pretty much any discussion in USSR of exporting the revolution. It would've probably ended pretty much the same regardless.
It´s not only about the bolsheviks, it´s a philosopical essay on the topic of "revolution". The most interesting part of the book is the section "The Historic Revolution" where he goes one by one trough each major revolt in history and draws parallels. Concluding that they are all deemed to fail in translating their ideas to reality.
And it´s a kickass book but you need to be philosophically savy. Quotes about a hundred of other authors/philosophers.
Stalin still wanted to export it but his regime was a bit different. There's something incredibly creepy about early Bolshevik rule. Like it was full on internationalist movement. Stalin was more of a standard dictator but he did have plans of conquest he just never finished them. He got half of Europe though.