Rural and suburban retards

>rural and suburban retards

fucking southern rednecks


this is hardly the most interesting or representative statistics. Total federal expenditure per capita for each state is more interesting, including military bases, research grants, etc.

States with the most nignogs. Got it


Why is Montana so high

Most niggers live in the south.

Two reasons for this map:

>land is cheap here so we'll build some federal silos and nuclear waste installations and other shit that offends liberals and call it a state contribution since we created 'muh jobs'

>black people

>States with most of the black population relies most on federal aid
The only case you have is Maine, and most of them voted for Hildawg

Absolutely astonishing combo- niggers+ultratraditionalist superreligious sisterfucking white trash.

It's the niggers and spics inside the red states

If you look at it by county instead of state, it becomes more clear

>South Dakota
>West Virginia

>most black people


>ultratraditionalist superreligious sisterfucking white trash.

literally a media/jewllywood fiction



A real and terrifying problem

>land is cheap here so we'll build some federal silos and nuclear waste installations and other shit that offends liberals and call it a state contribution since we created 'muh jobs'

I guess nigger culture permeates to the other racial classes too

>fuck Obamacare, I like the ACA tho
>muh government should stay out of medicade

I like blue collar workers but white trash should also be sent to the oven

They have Amerindians who live entirely off federal money

Yeah champ that tends to happen when in a single generation corporate fucksticks lobby the manufacturing economy to other countries, leaving small towns with nothing to produce. Big cities are a service industry blanket zone, its all a meme, the majority doesnt actually make anything besides food, healthcare, drugs and music.

Support globalization today

sisterfucking part is probably vastly exaggerated, but you can't deny they are fucking backward fanatics who believe the earth is 7000 yo

their IQ=nigger IQ

The southern states can be explained by niggers.

Nevada and new mexico and texas is because of spics

The other small states at the top is because they have lower state taxes and smaller populations. Since federal aid isn't perfectly one-to-one with population, these states start with a proportionally higher amount of aid despite the fact they don't really need it. For example, Montana has one of the best unemployment rates in the country at less than 4%

Do you have a welfare breakdown by race?

Almost none of those states are near the top, except Montana.
Look at all the single digits

They are richer than the average Croatian

The worst American state with the most niggers is probably twice as rich as the Croatian average

I have everything

they are conservative because they live among niggers
hollywood paints them as retards because they hate niggers

but hon

Considering California taxes the ever loving fuck out of its citizens, they damn well better use less federal aid. And they still use a shitload, because their GDP is the largest in the Union, and they still have a relatively high number.

I'm saving this

More false narratives and optics. You have to look at county level who are the poorest and getting the most welfare. You cant just go by state. Most cities have a lot of people on welfare. Also look at the political affiliation statistics that are collecting some sort of welfare. Its the Dems by huge numbers.


>if we let people believe that we're all backwards hicks maybe the liberal jewish californian locusts won't come devour our land

And yet Illinois is fucking bankrupt, despite having one of the three most important cities in the entire country. Maine and California are next. While TX, FL and TN are doing just fine.

I suspect your math is shitty.

I know. But that's because they are part of the US. If they were separated I doubt that would have been the case.

National Parks cost a lot to maintain

>tfw Californian
>tfw state Senate passed single payer after getting good insurance through work

Is any of my hard work going to pay off? It just supports broke niggas buying lotto tickets with fed/ state money.

I get a raise, minimum goes up. Company doesn't adjust.

I would be in favor of aid but can we make them work or do community service for benefits?

You don't have that much control over where you live. Not everyone is willing to abandon their friends and family to live in a new state. Why not show who uses up more welfare between democrats and republicans?

West virginia and kentucky, 95 and 90% white respectively, and among the most degenerate states of all.

Try again!

Get the fuck out of there if you know what's good for you. It's some weird hybrid between Communist China and Mexico now.

Fuck the south, we shouldn't have stopped Sherman.


I hate the use of this word. It's a buzzword in the office and in the news. I always think of optical equipment integrity. I think I'm autism

Why can't we just

a e s t h e t i c

Those states are 14 and 19, not that high. A poor show, but no where as bad as the deep south.

Farm bill, nigger gibs, and federal land/military installation reimbursements are all why red states are high on the list.

The south would have been a utopia if the North hadn't forced them to release a cabal of slaves

When was Sherman going around executing niggers? Nah, such a good goy wouldn't do something like that.

I hate the Chinese the most rn

I'm hoping to go to Oregon or Washington
>inb4 we're full

My dad is from there and I miss the rain and woods.

>North Dakota

checkmate, statists.

That's only a very small percentage, m8. But they do take their Jesus is Lord stuff a bit too seriously.

t. Northern Virginia

Literally meaningless.

>I'm hoping to go to Oregon or Washington

only east of the mountains is safe now

the rest is basically North San Francisco

would like to see this broken down by european white race compared to blacks. have a feeling numbers would change a bit.

the federal government own a lot of areas there, there's also "native" areas. agricultural subsidies,etc.

rural cucks btfo

Low state government revenue. Read the Grey box.

Makes you wonder if this chart shows federal aid or low burden by from the state.

Texas has low taxes and when you divide the federal aid by a low number. You get a high number.

California gets federal aid divided by a high tax burden giving them a low score.

Graphic is misleading.

Is Jefferson state a joke?

Honestly, if Jefferson ever became a state it would be a lot like Vermont, but with actual jobs to work at. It's truly the most based cutout of California imaginable.

Graphic is misleading.

It just shows the ratio of federal aid to state tax revenue.

Low state state taxes makes a state look worse on this graphic.

Low taxes and many minorities well ... it makes Texas look worse than California and we know that's a lie.

the only reason why texas receives that much federal aid is because nasa is located in texas and nasa gets billllions of dollars. Texas actually has excess money each year and no debt at all. California on the other hand is a debt ridden shithole whose half the population lives on welfare

>places with lower cost of living and thus "lower" tax revenue
>places with many military bases
>places with large amount of niggers
>places on the border and with illegal immigration issues
>excluding "utilities"


Something something book called "how to lie with statistics"

same thing with Alabama. Huntsville has one of the highest phds per capita in the world because we build fucking space rockets and next-gen military equipment for the u.s. government

but the libs and yanks will use that map to point and laugh at us while we send people to space and protect them from muhammed

>mental gymnastics

the hallmark of an effeminate trumpcuck. honestly i dont mind the south's worthlessness, it's like having a 3rd world country in your backyard that superior yankees can outsource bitch labor to.

Average iq of wv is higher than your country's average

The graphic is more about state taxes than federal aid.

>thinking people in cities aren't just as dumb as rural people
>Gotta log in to propagate jew memes

youve literally been saying these exact same 4 words since she lost.


The original map is pointless because it's not providing information that is useful in isolation. Notice that all of the States are above zero. Yes, all States are receiving "Federal Aid," but ALL of the money in the "Aid" was taxed away from the States in the first place. The Federal government doesn't just invent all that money every year. A more useful map would rank States according to their ratio of taxes paid to aid received. The map you provided seems to try to pass itself off as that kind of thing, but it just isn't.


Not surprised. My state is very poor.

I wonder if any of my legislatures have taken the time to think over progressive policies being the reason to why we're poor?

>states with the most niggers need the most money to support niggers
>States where megacorps are based have enough tax revenue to remain independent