same thing with Alabama. Huntsville has one of the highest phds per capita in the world because we build fucking space rockets and next-gen military equipment for the u.s. government
but the libs and yanks will use that map to point and laugh at us while we send people to space and protect them from muhammed
Blake King
>mental gymnastics
the hallmark of an effeminate trumpcuck. honestly i dont mind the south's worthlessness, it's like having a 3rd world country in your backyard that superior yankees can outsource bitch labor to.
Justin Lopez
Average iq of wv is higher than your country's average
Robert Baker
The graphic is more about state taxes than federal aid.
>thinking people in cities aren't just as dumb as rural people >Gotta log in to propagate jew memes
Landon Barnes
youve literally been saying these exact same 4 words since she lost.
how autistic of you
Justin Perez
The original map is pointless because it's not providing information that is useful in isolation. Notice that all of the States are above zero. Yes, all States are receiving "Federal Aid," but ALL of the money in the "Aid" was taxed away from the States in the first place. The Federal government doesn't just invent all that money every year. A more useful map would rank States according to their ratio of taxes paid to aid received. The map you provided seems to try to pass itself off as that kind of thing, but it just isn't.
Benjamin Brooks
Not surprised. My state is very poor.
I wonder if any of my legislatures have taken the time to think over progressive policies being the reason to why we're poor?
Xavier Hughes
>states with the most niggers need the most money to support niggers >States where megacorps are based have enough tax revenue to remain independent