This general is for identifying, discussing, mapping, researching and tracking human trafficking networks. There is a consistent trend of data showing that networks move though and rely on urban areas, specifically Sanctuary Cities. Feel free to submit tips or contribute with memes, infographs etc.

Do not encourage violence here, we aren't trying to give them any excuses to shut it down.

>archives of past threads

Past threads of interest:

>full of google maps investigation; Port Angeles, Anacortes, Bellingham

>alleged member of human trafficking operation for South America to US/Canada shared info

Thread's attempted focus for today is to hone in on the trafficking networks within the Eastern Seaboard, as suggested by anons in the previous thread. All info regarding trafficking or suspicious activity in this specific region is highly welcome in this thread and will be put to use to try to find new leads. Reminder that all info is being compiled into a list.


Analyzing and mapping out any names, places, and anything else of notoriety within this pdf is a good place to start.

Some recent leads:
>Mayo Clinic
>Anytime Fitness
>Fort Wayne, IN
>Avalon Apartments
>Bothell Pediatric & Hand Therapy
>City of Palatka, FL
>Bellingham, WA
>Anacortes, WA
>Port Angeles, WA
>Golden Dragon Exotic Club in Portland
>Tyson Foods Inc. & their connections
>Triads and other Asian organized crime groups
>Wichita KS
>Richard Branson
>San Juan Islands

Other urls found in this thread:

archive.4plebs.org/_/search/subject/knowledge bomb/username/anonymous5/tripcode/!!9O2tecpDHQ6/]

Starting Points: Areas with a Consistent Rate of Disappearances and Breeding Grounds

Where are they getting the kids and adults that they use for human trafficking? Where are places that large groups of people usually converge or stay at for an extended period? Here are 3 categories:

Where lots of kids meet and stay:

Where lots of adults meet and stay:

Where a mix of children and adults meet and stay:

Once we have determined possibility, we must assess probability. Is it likely that people would be abducted from these areas? Do the traffickers have enough cover to hide behind to get away with abducting people in these areas without too much suspicion? Do these areas have efficient escape routes to where the traffickers can quickly disperse abducted people into trafficking networks or directly to certain locations and people? Lastly, do these areas have enough funding, resources, and number of traffickers with the skills needed to conduct human trafficking operations there?

Next, start looking for connections between people, groups, and already confirmed trafficking networks in these areas. At this step, it is a good idea to bounce around between the midpoints and end points as well to help you find connections.

Breeding grounds are likely not as common as abduction sites and would be harder to figure out, but I think that they are a possibility worth putting on the table.

If worthwhile connections are found between people and groups that have reasonable probability to be connected to trafficking in that area, then it’s time to move on to connecting that starting point to midpoints and end points in whichever order you choose. You can also start to look for connections between other starting points in the trafficking networks if you think that it will lead to something. Connecting these starting points to the midpoints and the end points will help to further validate them.


Daily Dose:

Midpoints: Routes, Pit Stops, and Distribution Centers

What means of transport are they using to distribute people? What means of transport are available in that location and would be both economically efficient and unsuspicious? Where would those certain means of transport most easily be able to travel to? Where are those certain means of transportation most commonly going?

Look for the places that the transportation is immediately going to. Do not immediately assume that these are ending points, for they may be midpoints (pit stops or distribution centers). See if anything is being transported to and from these locations, for this will determine if it is either a pit stop or a distribution center, and if it is indeed a midpoint. Something to remember about midpoints, and starting points to some extent, is that there are certain resources required for the transport of people (things like food, drugs for sedation, and etc;). Places that distribute these resources work as assets to the networks and may not be used for relocating people.

Pit stops will follow along the same route, while distribution centers will branch off into a different one. Pit stops will also generally be smaller than distribution centers and have less access to different routes. Pit stops usually work as refueling stations for the transportation and as temporary lodgings. Pits stops in-between distribution centers and end points are important for maintaining a state of confidentiality, as people would start noticing if the routes all directly went to just one place.

Distribution centers are usually a warehouse, a fulfillment center, a cross-dock facility, a bulk break center, or a package handling center. This is where people are sold and transported to their respective ending points. These are especially required to remain hidden or non-suspect, and must be large enough to accommodate for large groups of people.


End Points: Individuals, Locations, and Organizations

Who are the ones receiving all of these people in the end? It can either be individuals who are looking for personal sex slaves or for people to use as sacrifices.

They can be specific locations which function as a type of Bohemian Grove or for places where they conduct orgies, mass torture, cannibalism (Spirit Cooking comes to mind, along with Spirit Eating), or group sacrifices. Group indoctrination, hazing ceremonies, and blackmail can also occur at these places.

Other locations include military bases, labs, and secret underground bases for genetic experiments, cloning, and for Super Soldier programs. Since some of these locations are top secret it may not be possible to find them, but you can find the trafficking networks that ultimately go to them. Locations like these are also likely to be tied to various groups.

Groups are numerous and varied. Examples are big pharma companies, bio-tech companies, IRL umbrella corporations, and large-scale cults and globalist groups. These groups can conduct any mixture of the previously mentioned activities that require people from human trafficking. These ending points in of themselves would have their own connections within them to different groups and individuals. The “end product” that these groups produce from the people they get through human trafficking may also be relocated and distributed to different places and organizations.

Guessing certain end points and seeing if the starting and midpoints happen to go to them, or are within the proximity of them, can be a valid strategy for finding them out.


Usual guideline to help you guys discover and map out the networks. Fuck owls, fuck minotaurs, and fuck pedo's.

Look for these kinds of things to map out the trafficking networks (courtesy of Anon5):

1) [Secret Compartments in Vehicles/Ships/Aircraft & Types of Transport](Vans, Semi-Trucks, Buses, Trains etc for Land, Yachts, Cruise Ships, Container/Cargo Ships, Ferry's etc for Sea, Private Jets, Commercial/Cargo Flights, etc for Air.)(Sewers & Subway Tunnels can also be used).

2) [Abandoned Large Buildings in/around Sanctuary Cities.](Big enough to act as Distribution Centers/Warehouses for Trafficking Networks(Weapons, Drugs, People, Body parts/remains, etc))

3) [2016 Election District Map's Blue Parts](In relation to Trafficking Routes, Sanctuary Cities, etc. Work on combining different Maps to see the full picture/patterns.)

Pedo's are not the only groups the Kids are going to & Trafficking has several different categories:

1) [Government]

(For things like Super Soldier programs, Cloning & Body Modifications)

2) [Corporation/Business]

(For things like Genetic Testing/Experimentation & Chimera's)

3) [Criminal]

(Drugs, Weapons, Sex Slaves & Children)

4) [Cult]

(Sacrifices, Blackmail & Indoctrination)

5) [Intel Agencies]

(Brainwashing for Spy/Informant programs & Special Agent operations)

6) [Breeding/Harvesting Farms]

(Selectively Bred/Produced Humans, Organs/Fetuses/Blood & Supplying Trafficking Networks/Centers)

7) [Hollywood]

(Truman Show breeding/handling operations.)

Another thing to note is the use of trafficking for organ harvesting and slave labor (think Qatar for instance).


Good to see you again as usual anime-user.

Hi there

Also, for those who are having trouble understanding the meaning of certain terms like owls, bulls, or whatever. Here's something to consider in regards to "owls".

"Owls live within the darkness, which includes magic, mystery, and ancient knowledge. Related to the night is the moon, which owls are also connected to. It becomes a symbol of the feminine and fertility, with the moon's cycles of renewal. Even the mythology relates owl to this wisdom and femininity."


Makes you wonder about why it's associated with planned parenthood doesn't it?

The more you know.


Compiling all of the info just in regards to WA is pretty shocking. There's so much shadiness going on there that I never fully took into account.

I'm sure it will all turn out for the best.

The other clue that I read about the term was to look at what an owl does IRL. That apparently goes for a few other of the terms too. "Bulls" I think are just one singular group and the name is derived from the golden calf tale in the bible. Since "bulls" are wall street I assume it's something to do with wealth or greed or something along those lines.

"Lions" are the good guys I think, they're either civic nationalists or just nationalists. Trump would be an example of one of those I believe.


I know, this is an enormous beast. Wish there were some way to just get swallowed by it and cut our way out from the inside, dangerous as that would be. Physically of course.
Still digging

What could minotaur mean irl then? The truly psycho masters?

A5 mentioned them last thread. "Bulls" are into the stock market, while "Minotaurs" are into the black market's stock market. I assume the Minotaur symbolism would have something to do with the labyrinth, also didn't the minotaur happen to eat people? Interesting their still bull related though, a minotaur was always the image I had in mind when I thought of Tavistock being involved with trafficking. It just seems that another type of bull is the one we really should be looking at.

That's right, thank you. I've got a whole jumble of information in my head and on screen I'd forgotten.

>1) [Secret Compartments in Vehicles/Ships/Aircraft & Types of Transport](Vans, Semi-Trucks, Buses, Trains etc for Land, Yachts, Cruise Ships, Container/Cargo Ships, Ferry's etc for Sea, Private Jets, Commercial/Cargo Flights, etc for Air.)(Sewers & Subway Tunnels can also be used).
I always wonder what these trafficking vehicles would look like. Are they marked with some company stuff to look like or be included in a normal shipment of something? (like Tyson brand stuff since we're pretty sure that's connected)
Or are they marked in other ways, that seem innocuous unless you know the system?
I'm sure its different for each group but you'd think there would be patterns we could notice.

I would think they would try to be the least conspicuous as they could with the vehicles, but I'm honestly not too sure at this point in time.

Thread Theme:

You know I'm starting to notice something in regards to your usual song choices.

I'm just LARPing.

I just bump the threads.

Not even that actually, it ties in with how I've never noticed you ever referring to yourself with gendered pronouns, except indirectly one time I think. I'm analytical like this with things in general btw. You could just be a preconceived persona that you put out on the internet, so who knows.

>implying I pass the Turing Test


Just because Miami-Dade is DWS's lair and Palm Beach is Jeffrey Epstein's. Might be nothing.


I don't think you get what I'm talking about, but you could just be playing dumb again so who knows. It's nothing nefarious if that's what you're thinking.

Whoa, easy there. I'm only joking.

Jesus Christ, get in the car.

I can be a little dense, so why not enlighten me?

prove it, say something only a human would say.

I question whether your male or female due to personality traits that I've noticed, responses, and things like that. I assume male, you could just be feminine in nature I suppose.


What does that even mean?


I think I know which. Maybe.

>Describe in single words only the good things that come into your mind about your mother.
>*Blasts interviewer through wall*

Hilarious Gifs General, clearly.

It's really hard to come up with funny things that fall under HTG.

They probably won't answer it, even though I'm pretty sure I know too honestly.

If I started talking now, I'd spill a lot more than that.

This sounds like one of those organizations that pretends to do good, but either help the criminals on the side or have been infiltrated (like the Hollywood/celeb- sponsored """charities""" to help kids).
Lauren Silsby works for AMBER Alerts, which is part of/partnered with NCMEC truckersagainsttrafficking.org/

It would technically just narrow you down to 50% of the population, although I suppose if you are in certain agencies a female would be rarer and really single you out. But I don't know, females have been in intelligence (spies for instance) since the Civil War era. I wouldn't know because I'm not in the IC.

i know it as well, the singularity is upon us. it is time now to panic and run out into the streets screaming

I believe anons have already mentioned that organization too as being suspicious. I think that's the one McCain is involved in as well.

>not 1%



Well you may or may not just answered it for me, so there's that at least.

You can still do it, I just need to think of these answers ahead of time.

Once the East Coast & West Coast Trafficking Networks are more figured out, you will start to identify the differences between them. Such as the popularity of different Trafficking/Storage methods, Groups that are(operating,protecting & battling over the routes) in/around them & "products" being Trafficked.

[KB's: archive.4plebs.org/_/search/subject/knowledge bomb/username/anonymous5/tripcode/!!9O2tecpDHQ6/]

For those wondering about the next KB, it's coming soon & will expose the Shill Operation(which is part of a much bigger plan) being done against the KB Threads by Pedophiles,Terrorists & Globalists.

"Ghost Fleets" of unmarked Vehicles(sometimes they are in Convoys and/or have unmarked/"Ghost" Escorts), Custom Interiors/Secret Compartments & Company Vehicles with non-Company "Cargo". Also these Trafficking Vehicles sometimes are heavily modified compared to regular Vehicles.(For instance a Semi that can go from 0-60 as fast as a Sports Car)

Please stay focus on finding the Trafficking Networks. That is what's important, not Anime-Post bumper.

Terrible things are happening every few minutes in the Trafficking Networks to People.

Thanks for the info as always A5. I'll try to stay focused as you said, that's always been a problem for me.

>not Anime-Post bumper
Obviously I'm just a red herring.

Thanks a5, still working

Reminder to please read the pdf if you can, I'm looking through it right now myself. We still need to get as many names, locations, and business patterns from this piece of information that we can.



documentary on belgium case

Elaborate on cargill please. One exec was arrested at supposed sacrifice house in canadistan

Mostly an anonymous lead, didn't give out any other info but seemed to know what they were talking about, if that makes sense. They do much more then they say they do apparently. That story is very interesting though, I did not hear that about them. Thank you for that.

You don't happen to know more about that incident do you? Anything can help.


Take a look at ship yards and docks.

The US allows companies to own private shipping docks for very large sums of money.

The incentive is that by having a private dock in a shipping yard, you are allowed to bypass government inspections of your cargo and are allowed to load/unload 24-7. This allows companies to get their shipments out on the street and markets faster then the ones using 'public' docks.

These docks then connect to huge swaths of warehouses that are like a maze to navigate in and out of.

The only thing I can think of that may have been over looked is
>Check the east coast for small, private islands.

The east coast, especially the south like North carolina and georgia, are littered with very small private islands that no one ever pays attention to. Some are as small as an acre and others are on the larger side, like 5-10 acres.

Police and patrols do not investigate these islands unless they are told to do so by the owner. They are treated like normal private property, who you have on your island is your own business from a law enforcement point of view.

It is relatively simple to look up through court house records who owns said islands, just takes time.

Awesome info, thanks for the tip! Just need to find a site that's good for finding court house records like that.


What's up boys

Good shit anon5, thanks for the info as usual

One thing I might note for the difference between East and West Coast is that the East Coast is Italian Mafia run. The West Coast I am not 100% certain but I am guessing it's probably Cartels working with some smaller groups (e.g. the Albanians) with China trying to make a move on the market using the Triads. Saudis are trying to make a move on LA as well but I don't know how involved with trafficking stuff they are right now.

Midwest seems mostly ordinary white people.

Interesting, I apparently had one family member in the past who may have been mafioso. Was on the East Coast too...

I think analyzing what places you can ship to most easily depending on which coast you're at is important too. Different regions of the world are interested in different types of "products".

Like I wouldn't be surprised if more young boys were trafficked out of the East coast more so then the West Coast due to the path of access to the U.K. and the Middle East that the East coast has.

It's the flyover part of the US for a reason, everything is being sent somewhere else

That's something to consider as well, they probably cater to different tastes

Who's got a map of industrial shipping routes?

Do you need something more detailed then this? I can try to find one.

At least for entering/exiting the United States.

I found quite a few maps that are helpful actually. Here's one, how does this work for everyone?




I'll be trying to find/make a more detailed one of the US ports, especially the Private ones and the companies they belong to.

Fuck off Frank

Awesome! Thank you so much.

We're not going through this again, no body likes you here just get over it.

Pfft like your circlejerk larp threads do any good. How many kids have you saved so far?

Fewer than I hope, but more than I fear.

I said this last thread and I'll say it again here. I know exactly what you're doing with what your saying, how you worded it, everything. I know how your psyche bullshit works. You could not be pissing in the wind more so than trying them on me or anyone in my threads. Last (you), sort yourself out and do something productive with your time.


>being productive

Well you're certainly not here to deter us from being productive, would you?

I love the fact that the autistic OP probably hates you as much as anyone naturally would but he has to put up with you or his lame threads would archive in 5 posts.


>hating me

>implying you're being productive.
You could go after the CF and end trafficking as a by-product but instead you copy paste the same shit in every thread and nothing gets fucking done. Fuck you.


You shills are shit when people aren't researching.


Do you expect me to be contributing?

Ok here's some research faggot. Look up all the missing person cases in the last 20 years, I'm not talking just news sites and the media, I mean missing person websites, geocities shit, forums the lot. Then you can get a pretty good idea of where the abductions are coming from.

That's a term I hoped I'd never have to see again.

>Attack on group cohesion
>Derange focus by side railing the main topic at hand

Those are the three tactics you've just used so far. Shills aren't genuine in their talking points at all. Responding to them is often futile. Using this moment to show exactly what's going on with people like you. Enjoy your other (you).


You are a fucktard. I gave you more useful information than anyone has in ages and you cling to your autistic fury.