Also, for those who are having trouble understanding the meaning of certain terms like owls, bulls, or whatever. Here's something to consider in regards to "owls".
"Owls live within the darkness, which includes magic, mystery, and ancient knowledge. Related to the night is the moon, which owls are also connected to. It becomes a symbol of the feminine and fertility, with the moon's cycles of renewal. Even the mythology relates owl to this wisdom and femininity."
Makes you wonder about why it's associated with planned parenthood doesn't it?
Colton Russell
The more you know.
Xavier Long
Joseph Hill
Compiling all of the info just in regards to WA is pretty shocking. There's so much shadiness going on there that I never fully took into account.
Isaac Allen
I'm sure it will all turn out for the best.
Brandon Moore
The other clue that I read about the term was to look at what an owl does IRL. That apparently goes for a few other of the terms too. "Bulls" I think are just one singular group and the name is derived from the golden calf tale in the bible. Since "bulls" are wall street I assume it's something to do with wealth or greed or something along those lines.
"Lions" are the good guys I think, they're either civic nationalists or just nationalists. Trump would be an example of one of those I believe.
Camden Gonzalez
Connor Hughes
I know, this is an enormous beast. Wish there were some way to just get swallowed by it and cut our way out from the inside, dangerous as that would be. Physically of course. Still digging
Jose Powell
checked What could minotaur mean irl then? The truly psycho masters?
Julian Murphy
A5 mentioned them last thread. "Bulls" are into the stock market, while "Minotaurs" are into the black market's stock market. I assume the Minotaur symbolism would have something to do with the labyrinth, also didn't the minotaur happen to eat people? Interesting their still bull related though, a minotaur was always the image I had in mind when I thought of Tavistock being involved with trafficking. It just seems that another type of bull is the one we really should be looking at.