prove me wrong
protip: you can't
Prove me wrong
Other urls found in this thread:
Virgin pastime
Chad timekiller
Make a point so people can prove you wrong next time
Kthx love you bye.
>not both
ywn be a true /fitlit/ warrior poet
Funny how the Itiocracy effect is gonna mean they evolved without reproduction organs
There is no such thing.
Either you're fearless worldly practical nigger/sandnigger, or you're sensitive intellectual deep creative neurotic Jew.
The latter is more evolved than the former.
Women are attracted to unevolved men.
>implying anyone who's intelligent would be concerned with physical appearances
>implying weight lifting = healthy
they're both still in man's current form.
both are evolved, both have a ways to go.
That's not what this is about. Lifting weights doesn't change you from the second man to the first. Neither does not lifting weights change you from the first to the second. It's in your genes.
>everybody's equal
no. Just because they're the same species doesn't mean they're equally evolved. The first is identical to the common ancestor thousands of years ago, the second is a lot different.
>exercise connected to more white/grey matter in brain
>people who exercise before a test score higher
>chemically happier
>chance of survival/replication much higher
List goes on, you get the point. Start your day off breaking a sweat, get those pheromones all over your body, and do your homework cuckold faggot
how does that contradict the post you replied to
I said evolved, not more likely to replicate. The more evolved you are the less likely you are to replicate. The picture isn't about exercising and reading, it's about body type and temperament.
you can read and also lift weights
crazy concept I know
also evolution isn't real in its contemporary sense
I'm saying what you talked about and what the post you replied to talked about isn't what the topic is about. It's not about reading, exercising, caring about appeareance, or caring about health. It's about body type and temperament.
For the last time. It's about body type and temperament.
shit website
>endomorph - ectomorph - mesomorph
>body type and temperament.
why not phrenology while at it?
William Sheldon said body type is associated with temperament.
the ectotonic temperament, which is associated with the ectomorphic body type
the mesotonic temperament, which is associated with the mesomorphic body type
So the ectotonic are beta faggots and virgin nerds?
*tips fedora*
You see in black and white because you aren't very good.
You think you have figured out "the secret" because you're of inferior intellect and are attracted to easy solutions.
Everything about you is wrong.
>implying weight lifting = healthy
Enjoy becoming decrepit in old age with your evolved body.
>i've fallen and I can't get up
Why do you believe that William Sheldon is right? Especially since body types don't exist. They literally don't. There is only muscles, posture and fat. All of them can change in a lifetime.
Yeah we got it. You're a soft and frail virgin of a faggot and you're seeking out ways to justify being ok with it.
I haven't looked into his methods or evidence, only his proposition. And it corresponds with my own observations. Body type is as real as height and shoe size.
ad hominem
You clearly don't know and understand even the most basic parts of argumentation.
>I haven't looked into his methods or evidence
Then you shouldn't believe he's right. For your information he looked at picture of naked people and believed that the body type dictated behavior. His research is discredited by modern research. Behavior dictates the body type. Someone who plays sport is going to be muscular and extroverted, someone who spends all his time at the library is going to be less muscular and introverted. Behavior modifies muscle and fat level, not the other way around.
>Body type is as real as height and shoe size.
Height and shoe size does not change. Fat and muscle change. One is fully anchored in genetics, the other isn't. Therefore one predicts genetics, the other doesn't.
Your bullshit argument has already been ripped apart by multiple people in this thread so I don't need to argue anything. I'm merely pointing out your motivations for posting it in the first place.
Yeah, I know what he did. I'm saying I haven't looked into his raw data. Body types are real. You can only change your body within a very limited range which is determined by genetics, even muscle and fat.
Why are there horns on his stationary bike?
>Your bullshit argument has already been ripped apart by multiple people in this thread
I haven't posted a single argument. I've posted theses.
>I don't need to argue anything
then don't post
>I'm merely pointing out your motivations for posting it in the first place.
a) you don't know anything about it, but can only assume
b) it's irrelevant to the topic
c) again, this shows you don't know anything about argumentation
>You can only change your body within a very limited range
We can literally double our body mass or cut it in half. Not over a lifetime, over a single year.
>I haven't posted a single argument
>prove this illustration wrong
That's an argument that we're supposed to argue against
>then don't post
Fuck off. Don't post stupid shit if you can't handle the responses.
a) you don't know anything about it, but can only assume
Apparently neither do you because you can't argue against the people who clearly do
>b) it's irrelevant to the topic
It being irrelevant to the topic is irrelevant. It's relevant to you personally.
>c) again, this shows you don't know anything about argumentation
Ad hominem. Also irrelevant to the topic.
Doesn't disprove the existence of body types. For mesomorphs the middle finger and the thumb when wrapped around the wrist of the other hand just barely touch, for ectomorphs they overlap, for endomorphs they don't touch. No exercise or lack thereof nor any diet or lack thereof change this. That's an example of what body type means. Body type doesn't mean you can't change your body in certain ways with diet and exercise.
>That's an argument that we're supposed to argue against
No, it's a proposition, a thesis.
>you can't handle the responses
I pointed out that ad hominem is not an argument and not relevant in any way to the topic. You don't know even the most basic parts of how argumentation works.
>you can't argue against the people who clearly do
I've pointed out that this isn't about exercising. The only thing people here have said is you can be big and muscular and still read. That's not what the topic is about.