Can we talk about colon health?

I work in a large office building and about 50% of the time there is a dude in the mens' room taking a dump. About 50% of the time that there is a dude taking a dump, he is suffering from a bout of explosive diarrhea.

What the fuck is wrong with people and their diets where they shit their brains out at every shitting? I just don't understand it.

Pic related: she doesn't poop.

haha, i work in an office and i can attest to this. best explanation i have is all the old boomer farts buy into the "eat lots of salads and fruit" bullshit

>let's talk about colon health
This is Sup Forums you tard.

the rise in crohns and ulcerative colitis is due to jews

there, I made it political

Shit diets in Amerikkka

You want to talk about colons? No thanks. Hope that shit clears up for you, no pun intended.



also: mon810 alone wrecks your intestines

Infowars prostate guard.

Also most hunger is pointless, is he kind of fat?

not enough fiber too much grease