Can we talk about colon health?

I work in a large office building and about 50% of the time there is a dude in the mens' room taking a dump. About 50% of the time that there is a dude taking a dump, he is suffering from a bout of explosive diarrhea.

What the fuck is wrong with people and their diets where they shit their brains out at every shitting? I just don't understand it.

Pic related: she doesn't poop.

haha, i work in an office and i can attest to this. best explanation i have is all the old boomer farts buy into the "eat lots of salads and fruit" bullshit

>let's talk about colon health
This is Sup Forums you tard.

the rise in crohns and ulcerative colitis is due to jews

there, I made it political

Shit diets in Amerikkka

You want to talk about colons? No thanks. Hope that shit clears up for you, no pun intended.



also: mon810 alone wrecks your intestines

Infowars prostate guard.

Also most hunger is pointless, is he kind of fat?

not enough fiber too much grease

American diet dude. We eat a lot, and shit even more. God bless

There's nothing quite like a good morning bowel movement. The whole night my body is in a period of hibernation. But about a half an hour after that first cup of coffee whoo boy I can feel the old girl percolating. I just grab the phone, start browsing the internets and let er rip. I even have my cup of coffee right there on the shitter next to me. That's me every morning

People eat generic foods pumped full of preservatives that mess with their stomach bacteria.

>the rise in crohns and ulcerative colitis is due to jews

somebody tell Margo
she's still pro Israel

Isn't it gross how we all walk around with shit inside our bodies? That same shit you see in the toilet after pooping is always inside you. When you walk, when you lie in bed asleep, when you sit on your computer playing video games or browse pol. That foul smelling brown shit is always inside you.

Not for me m8, my shits are rock solid and huge and hurt my asshole. This is the issue that I'm facing and I'd say it's arguably worse than the alternative. Lately I've been afraid to shit.

If you ain't making soup every time you hit the toilet, you aint a real man

>poops in a bag
shes gotta go.

Normies loves them some alcohol.

No you didn't. You made it racists.

Whenever i've been at a place like an office i usually went and took naps in the bathroom. Sat on the toilet and leaned my head towards the wall. Don't necessarily mean they're in there shittin.

Too much sugars and fats, too little vitamins and minerals. Oh and kegel exercising is important too.
It's a shame so many people don't know the joy and feeling of taking a clean shit.

no. she's pro-Trump, pro-Catholic, anti-degeneracy, and anti-Loomer.

Bet you didn't know that the compounds that make rotting corpses smell horrible, putrescine and cadaverine, are also created in your cells as part of normal biological processes while you are alive.
Semen includes quite a bit of them.

So, your body is hiding the foul stench of death as we speak. The foul reel of death that will emanate from your body as it rots in a ditch someday is even now percolating within you.
You are filled with the miasma of your own rotting flesh just waiting to get out.
and your skeleton knows this and he is smiling

People's micro biomes are all fucked up from decades of high carbohydrate, low fiber, low nutrient density, presevative-laden garbage. This is also why they crave garbage carb food, and in turn why they get fat. They've spent decades selectively feeding carb-phillic bacteria that are fucking up their health and causing them to crave carbohydrates with no end. Switch to a very high fiber ketogenic diet and take probiotics (a bottle of VSL#3 is a better use of your money than whatever you'll get in the vitamin isle of your store) to fix your biome. Once you're capable of digesting actual food again and burning stored fat as energy, the urgency of your appetite will dramatically decrease and it will become easy to fast for 24+ hours. Once this happens fast a couple times, and/or do intermittent fasting. This will literally fix your whole fucking life and mental health if you do it. Also, becoming decoupled from the hourly need for food that most modern people consider normal is incredibly freeing. Shit hits the fan? Can't eat for three days? No problem. Not even an issue. Travelling? Out late with no healty options? No problem because there's no need to eat.


That's it. That's the stuff I come here for.

americans don't realize what they stuff down their maw

I had this when I ate lots of junk food and fast food and rarely cooked for myself. It's subpar ingredients that barely qualify as food

>mfw I can go a day without eating
>my normie parents act like there's something wrong with me when I eat one meal a day
>I'm the one who has a healthy weight and energy and there the ones that are obese and have no energy
It's like pottery.

You went full oldschool death metal on us there. Fuckin a

>3 hour road trip with my father (47)
>he goes to the bathroom 3 times

what are they putting in the water people

wew that's a pretty low blow

My stomach is really pretty healthy because I get my five veggies, two fruit, a good amount of fiber and a good amount of meat every day. If you aren't doing this, you probably should.

that kike whore is fucking ruthless lmao
would burn

I am one of those guys.



tell me more about the crohns

Im a pharmacist.
>drink a 12 pack of beer every night
>drink coffee all day to stay productive and keep people from noticing how hungover I am

I have fully accepted the fate of my butthole.

shit nigger, what about the fate of your kidneys?


I shit before I shower every morning, so I never have to shit at work. Some coffee before my morning run helps.

I won't even sit in the cubicle to take a break from people. The thought of someone shitting next to me is disgusting, and someone will always be shitting next to me.

I also run 6 miles every day at a fast pace if my kidneys couldn't handle it, I would feel it.

>confederate phlag
checks out

Start by drinking a lot more water every day.

A confederate that makes $70 an hour and does whatever he wants.

Hows your life, Mr.Irwin?

Mind if I steel this as lyrics for my tech-death band?


People who constantly take explosive shits need to be eliminated for not being able to control their digestive system better.

I'm guessing it's alcohol.

Too much red meat

You're so metal that you typed "steal" as "steel"
Fuckin hardcore man \m/

This. Cubicle jockeys go home and drink themselves stupid every night, have alcohol shits the next morning. Tale as old as time.

anti depressants give you the shits
i on the other hand have to chug a glass of cider vinegar every day to avoid being blocked up since i hardley ever move

coffee dumbass.

nothing wrong with my bowels. they go off all the time.

I have more a problem with eating enough.

coffee makes you shit, but doesn't give you diarrhea

Eat turmeric every day with black pepper. The curcumin will have a local anti-inflammatory effect on the lower GI. This is different from curcumin pills, where the curcumin is isolated so it has a systemic anti-inflammatory effect on cells that benefits shit like joints.

Another huge thing is resistant starch, which is found in plants and cooled grains and tubers. This corrects the bacteria in your colon which produce butyrate, a short-chain fatty acid, which is necessary for intestinal cells. Now the typical moron American eats nothing but refined carbs like cheap bread and cereals, so they're not feeding the lower GI. This poor colon/bacteria/butyrate chain causes obesity, depression, and binge eating as well as irregular shitting. It's pretty fucking simple, you need to only eat foods created by the earth, not by man. Don't eat cereal, just pour your milk of choice onto oats an maybe throw in some honey and nuts. That's all fantastic for you and it's way more filling and ten times cheaper. You will never be fat by eating real food. It makes your whole biological/neurobiological feedback system work properly. You will be driven to stasis and also be a lot worse at storing fat due to all the resistant starch.

Why is it so fucking impossible for you faggots to eat real food? I can't remember the last time I had watery, irregular shit. Oh yeah, the last fuckin time I ate garbage

>Tfw i've had chronic constipation since i was a kid
>tfw only shit once every three days if i'm lucky
>Ended up with diverticulosis thanks to it

I've changed my diet, consumed alot more fiber, regularly take probiotics, magnesium citrate supplements, and drink a fuckton of coffee in the morning with barely anything to show for it.

To top that off every time I do shit, its so big i literally tear my asshole.

I wish i could get explosive diarrhea, OP.


>not growing a garden including cabbage and cucumbers
>not fermenting your own sauerkraut, kimchi and pickles

tastes way better than store bought and comes free of (((chemicals))). Gut health is serious business

Fruits and vegetables are treated with pesticides. The point is obviously to kill insects and bacteria that might attack the fruit/veg. The fruit/veg absorbs the pesticide through the skin and through the roots so its inside the food and when you eat it it kills the gut flora in your digestive system in the same manner. Bad gut flora causes psychological problems too. The gut and the brain are connected.

Same affect with meat and antibiotics.

Farmers are legally required to treat their produce with this shit because (((someone))) knows the effect it will have on our society, namely; make everyone fat and stupid and dependent on "the false saviour" government

He probably goes out and drinks a lot and fucks women like pic related. Then he enjoys unleashing his lethal beer shit when he knows there's a cuck in the bathroom with him.

The fact that people
-Eat primarily processed foods, even for their main meals of the day.
-Drink lots of coffee/energy drinks (Some people even drink that disgusting 5 hour energy shit)
-Do not drink nearly enough water
-Do not eat nearly enough fiber

All these things combined with a more sedentary lifestyle will contribute to explosive liquidy and overly smelly shits (if your shits smell especially bad, consult a doctor. It's not really normal.)

The remedy to this is quite simple, and the cure to a lot of human health issues.
-Drink lots of water. Like a lot. Like almost too much. I drink 10 glasses of water a day - minimum. Much more when I'm exercising or out in the sun.
-Do not eat processed foods. If you must eat processed foods, at least don't eat them for breakfast and dinner. Eat some low-salt chips or trail mix or something. I add m&ms to mine.
-Exercise. Even just talking a walk will stimulate your bodies muscles and organ systems and get it working better than just sitting on a couch watching tv.
-Do not drink coffee. Terrible, awful substance with little value in our world.

You get to touch all those nice drugs and never get to keep any. sounds like torture to me


10/10 post hiro

I've never understood this.
When I'm at home I shit once a day at most.
When I'm at work, I shit three times a day.

Can anybody explain this?

Drink healthy water, eat healthy food and there's literally no way you can get diarrhea, since it's caused by bad diet.

Garbage in --> garbage out

You should drink Kefir

>Healthy water
As opposed to unhealthy water?