>tfw you get locked up for making your investors money
This guy is an alpha. It would not surprise me if he ran that fukcing prison like Al Capone.
What a bullshit fucking case this was. They trashed the guy for 2 years in the media before this case even took place. There wasnt a prospective juror that had a positive or neutral image of the guy. MISTRIAL
You are correct it's called prison you boot licking bitch.
We should make a petition to the President to give him presidential pardon, just imagine the outrage if he were to do that.
He honestly behaves irl like a true autist. its beautiful.
inb4 shrekli found dead in his cell with 2 bullets in the back of the head
Kek so he did what rappers did? Just bullshit and act more successful then he was
They only went after him after he expose Obongocare with his aids medicine so it was obvious this entire charges to him is completely politically motivated.
Why do you even hate martin shkreli ?