>altright cant name the jew because its suicide
>putin cant name the jew because its suicide
think im seeing who is actually controlling the altright in america..
Everybody (except Shareblue shills) here knows that Vladimir Putin is the greatest politician of 21th century
Oh look, it's the "LETS SUCK A CROOKED POLITICIANS COCK!" thread again. Sad.
I love you, Vladimir
>pro white race
>lets thousands of central asian muslims in russia
I love Putin, and Oliver Stone did us the greatest favor already. I think most people in West already have a positive opinion of Russia and Putin, despite the (((propaganda))). God bless Russia!
P.S.: You people need to annex Belorussia and Ukraine - all Russian kingdoms.
>Holohoax whining = white nationalism
Faggot. Russian whooped German ass for centuries. That is a perfectly rational concession to the Russian Jews for negotiating purposes. Anti-German is Russian tradition.
Putin, stop posting here, for your own sake.
Putin DID name the Jew