Everybody (except Shareblue shills) here knows that Vladimir Putin is the greatest politician of 21th century

>altright cant name the jew because its suicide
>putin cant name the jew because its suicide
think im seeing who is actually controlling the altright in america..

>murders his own people



Oh look, it's the "LETS SUCK A CROOKED POLITICIANS COCK!" thread again. Sad.

I love you, Vladimir

>pro white race
>lets thousands of central asian muslims in russia

I love Putin, and Oliver Stone did us the greatest favor already. I think most people in West already have a positive opinion of Russia and Putin, despite the (((propaganda))). God bless Russia!

P.S.: You people need to annex Belorussia and Ukraine - all Russian kingdoms.

>Holohoax whining = white nationalism

Faggot. Russian whooped German ass for centuries. That is a perfectly rational concession to the Russian Jews for negotiating purposes. Anti-German is Russian tradition.

Putin, stop posting here, for your own sake.

Putin DID name the Jew
