Everybody (except Shareblue shills) here knows that Vladimir Putin is the greatest politician of 21th century

He confiscated Rothschild's and Khordovosky's Russian central bank shares though, and he is taking steps to nationalize Russian central bank. You should be happy Ivan! Nobody stands up to the cartel, you guys are heroes!


The non stop wall of Russia collusion on the media is the DNC/RNC trying to get their way even after losing the election.

Any little thing that Trump does that is neutral/positive towards Russia will be thought of as proof of misdeeds.

Alliances or favorable agreements will be viewed suspiciously no matter what.

Always in Trump's mind with regard to Russia he will have to consider how it will look to the public and media.

If this is accurate, then Putin really is the solution to the central bank controlled world.



I am not so sure that is the case. perhaps you would care to link to a source that is not fake news. My understanding was that he banned people who denigrate the Russian forces who fought in the war. I dont think that includes questioning the holocaust narrative.

When did he ban "holocaust denial"?

In 2014. Can't link news since I'm phoneposting but you can find that date with ease.
WN are banned too, look up Russian Nazbols or DPNI.
Putin is a major bluepill.

White nationalism is simple whining about other races

Literal Bolshevik.

Don't be swayed into thinking he's some savior because he enacted things in his own country to prevent it going down the path America is, thanks largely to his KGB compatriots.

That pretty much makes him a savor of man