Why Sup Forums hates women so much? Is this because they can have multiple orgasms? Is this because of jealousy?
Why Sup Forums hates women
vapid cunt.
They can't get laid.
You've answered your question
>Read Sex And Culture
>Read Fate and Empires
>Read The Collapse of Complex societies
>Read Might is Right
>Common theme of women gaining rights leads to total societal collapse
Guys, we really fucked up.
What's shocking to me is that everyone else doesn't. I realised women are retarded back when I was 13 or something. Never really changed my mind on that.
Stealth as fuck, friendo ;^)
I don't hate women.
I hate some women,
>low IQ
>self centered
>care about irrelevant things
>want daddy government to pay for their mistakes
women are literally the niggeres of gender
But I, a man, can have multiple orgasms.... can't you faggots???
women have nothing to offer.
actually, i like the temple grenadine lady..
the one that figured out how to humanely euthanize hoofed animals....
she's alright..
most have 0 value..
some are ok.
>implying men can't do the same
this meme needs to go away
theyre just fake traps
Women will virtue signal the destruction of Western Civilization.
Islam might be onto something...
>wymin are dumb XD
the same reason we hate raccoons
No, lack of self-restraint and logical choices.
Because you can't fuck them?
like 2/3rds of Sup Forums are 20+ year old virgins, the weird thing would be for those people not to hate women.
Women have autism
I'm 36 with 2 kids. My GF left me last January because strong independent woman who doesn't need a man.
Two months later, she was grabbed at her new security guard job and gang raped by four men
Thanks feminism.
Women are objectivelly the best thing about life
get a girlfriend lol
oh wait we muslims KEKED them from you oy vey
inshallah all your children shall speak arabic and know of the Hadiths by heart
lol you're on pol faggot.
Idk I love them you faggot
I don't hate women
I love to fuck them
Dude, that's nothing. My wife sold our kids to the Chinese and divorced me for a robot with a 24 ft schlong that fucks at 120 rpm's. But seriously, though, women are boring and shallow. Along with the men, they've been irreversibly demoralized by our culture. There's no going back to a non-decadent time.
Because these shut-ins get rejected by women because they just don't put the effort in at finding one/keeping one.
They're 20 somethings that think they're doomed for life at love. Nope.
I'm 24.
cheating whores
only want niggers
incapable of feeling love
divorce you and take kids away
list goes on
there's so many things wrong with this, it's ridiculous
>can have multiple orgasms
>most of the time have none
>majority can't even give themselves an orgasm
how can a gender be so deficient?
Women are physically and mentally retarded.
Yet they're allowed to vote.
While contributing less to society.
And using most of the resources.
It's more about feminism rather than the shallow cunts "women's lib" has produced over the last 45 years.
Now, kindly fuck off back to /lgbt/ you fucking degenerate.
Understanding and hating are two different things.
c u c k
>Be a shitty squad sergeant.
>Position your troops on bare beach with no cover with your enemy on the high ground and have them shoot up.
What the fuck dude?
elaborate please
and fuck off!
Read "The multi-orgasmic man" by Mantak Chia.
I don't hate all women. Just a lot of them. I've met a few good ones over the years.
Lol Sup Forums is so retarded. You bitch that she always goes for dumbass Chad yet when a woman gives you a shot you gingerly pump away like you're a guest in her castle. Guess what: she's bored as fuck.
Nation wreckers.
How can you not hate them once you know the truth about their nature?
> no sources given
> "University professors" in the tenth century, while universities weren't a thing before the 11th (google it)
> Apparently some opinion of some guy (no sources given) is evidence in favour of the thesis
> No evidence for causation
> Claims correlation, gives no evidence and no sources
> Cites excerpt from a book I guess? No year/publisher given
White Sharia
Well, he might be referencing the Al-Azhar University. It was founded in 970 AD. It's literally the only thing the sandniggers talk about when I debate them about the intellectual regression that is Islam.
That's not always true. There are still some that believe in traditional gender roles and appreciate a man. Usually they just want to be appreciated in return. One of my female cousins I grew up with and a lot of times are more friends than cousins married a good man and has 7 white kids that she homeschools and takes care of the home and her husband. How can we hate her? She's the type of woman we all should have.
The only time I hate women is when they talk
I don't believe women have orgasms
>TFW no RW qts in West
Why live?
Pic related
because every woman is evil except theoretical gfs and mommies
"1 post by this ID"
Fuck off, ShariaBlue shill.
Sage this slide thread.
Hi, NSA!
I like women
I like doing them
You're on the right track
All problems in society are caused by
>people not getting fucked properly
>small dick anger
>wanting to be a part of a "group" so bad you become proud of your timezone
/pol doesn't need to hate women.
They hate themselves.
Also, understand that women know women best. That's why they hate each other.
The wise man understands this and uses it to his advantage.
The foolish man goes through life putting "Woman" on the pedestal and then wonders why he isn't "getting any."
It's a simple proposition, OP. It's a simple proposition.