Why Sup Forums hates women

That's not always true. There are still some that believe in traditional gender roles and appreciate a man. Usually they just want to be appreciated in return. One of my female cousins I grew up with and a lot of times are more friends than cousins married a good man and has 7 white kids that she homeschools and takes care of the home and her husband. How can we hate her? She's the type of woman we all should have.

The only time I hate women is when they talk

I don't believe women have orgasms

>TFW no RW qts in West

Why live?

Pic related

because every woman is evil except theoretical gfs and mommies

"1 post by this ID"
Fuck off, ShariaBlue shill.
Sage this slide thread.
Hi, NSA!

I like women
I like doing them

You're on the right track
All problems in society are caused by
>people not getting fucked properly
>small dick anger
>wanting to be a part of a "group" so bad you become proud of your timezone

/pol doesn't need to hate women.
They hate themselves.
Also, understand that women know women best. That's why they hate each other.
The wise man understands this and uses it to his advantage.
The foolish man goes through life putting "Woman" on the pedestal and then wonders why he isn't "getting any."
It's a simple proposition, OP. It's a simple proposition.